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A Featured Page Widget


This plugin creates a widget that features a specific page, showing its excerpt. You can also choose a post thumbnail among the registered ones in your theme.


A Featured Page Widget is available on GitHub. If you want to contribute, please fork it and send a pull request!


  • Portuguese (Brazil)


  • The widget configuration.


  1. Upload a-featured-page-widget directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to ‘Widgets’ menu and drag it to your sidebar


Can I use it outside my sidebar / widget area?

Sure you can! Just call the_widget() wherever you want to display your featured page. If you want to customize it, there’s four arguments:

  • page: The page ID. Required.
  • title: The widget title.
  • image-size: The post thumbnail size.
  • link-text: The text that will replace “Continue reading”. You may leave it empty too.


the_widget( 'A_Featured_Page_Widget', array( 'page' => 734, 'link-text' => '', 'image-size' => 'large' ) );

If you don’t know the page ID, you can try get_page_by_path() function:

the_widget( 'A_Featured_Page_Widget', 'page=' . get_page_by_path( 'about' )->ID );
Can I change the default text “Continue reading”?

Yes. In your functions.php file, you cand use the afpw_link_text filter:

function mytheme_change_afpw_link_text() {
    return 'Learn more';

add_filter( 'afpw_link_text', 'mytheme_change_afpw_link_text' );
Why am I unable to define a manual excerpt for my pages?

First, check if the option for excerpts is not showing under “Screen Options”. If that’s the case, probably your theme doesn’t support excerpts in pages. You need to use add_post_type_support() inside your functions.php file:

function mytheme_add_page_excerpt() {
    add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );

add_action( 'init', 'mytheme_add_page_excerpt' );
Who are these three little witches on the banner above?

Arnaldo Baptista, Rita Lee and Sérgio Dias, also known as Os Mutantes, a Brazilian psychedelic rock band of the late ’60s. You should check them out!




「A Featured Page Widget」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




  • Introduce classes generally used for post thumbnails, such as post-thumbnail and entry-image.
  • Update coding standards.


  • Added widget defaults and removed cache functionality to work correctly with the_widget().
  • Replaced page-link argument with link-text.


  • Added a filter for the “Continue reading” text.
  • Now we have a FAQ.


  • First version.