This plugin is the most powerfull plugin which easily display your post and page through shortcode on front end.You just need to put shortcode([sitemap]) on your page/post.
If you want to exclude pages then put ([sitemap excludepage=”1,4″]) where 1,4 are the page id seperated by the comma’s.
If you want to exclude post from a specific categories then put ([sitemap excludepage=”1,4″ excludecat=”6,3″]) where 6,3 are the category id seperated by the comma’s.
If you want to exclude specific posts then put ([sitemap excludepage=”1,4″ excludecat=”6,3″ excludepost=”1,183″]) where 1,183 are the post id seperated by the comma’s.
If you want to show custom link “home” then put ([sitemap excludepage=”1,4″ excludecat=”6,3″ excludepost=”1,183″ home=”yes”])
If you want to show specific number of post then put ([sitemap excludepage=”1,4″ excludecat=”6,3″ excludepost=”1,183″ home=”yes” postcount=”4″]) where 4 is the number of post to show
If you don’t want to show any of the post put ([sitemap showpost=”no”])
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Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
put shortcode([sitemap]) on your page/post on backend. for more details go to setting page of plugin on admin panel.