该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

aNobii WordPress Widget


aNobii WordPress Widget is a WordPress widget which shows randomly the covers of some books from your aNobii’s shelf.


1.1 – Now you can:
* choose the size of the covers (small, large or square)
* exclude books without covers
* choose the most recent books instead of only showing them randomly
* filtering the books by reading progress (all, reading, finished, reading+finished)

1.0 – It works on Internet Explorer 7!


  • aNobii WordPress Widget


What I need?

Follow these simple instructions:

  • You need to install the latest version of WordPress
  • You need widget support (the latest version of WordPress supports it natively; if you use an older version you can download the Widgets plugin)
  • Obviously, you need an aNobii account

How can I install it?

  • You need to extract the content of the archive and to copy/move the inner directory “anobii-wordpress-widget” to the wp-content/plugins folder. Make sure that the path of the main php file is wp-content/plugins/anobii-wordpress-widget/aNobii.php.

And now?

You have to configure the plugin following the instructions at the page “Options->aNobii Plugin“.


Why doesn’t it show anything?

Probably, you have to configure it under “Options->aNobii Plugin“.

I configured it! It doesn’t work!

Probably, you have specified a “customized” url in the preferences, such as http://www.anobii.com/people/jhack: it will never work! You must retrieve your user-id from the Feed RSS url near to the bottom of your aNobii’s Home Profile.

Therefore the url you must provide must be something like http://www.anobii.com/people/010c51b082b89840a7.

The URL is correct now, but I can’t see any cover

Check if the file “proxy.php” (and the directories which contain it) have the correct permissions. It depends on your host, so I can’t say what are the best configurations. For me, 755 for the directories and 644 for “proxy.php”, but on different hosts the latter one needs 755.

What the hell?! It still doesn’t work!

I don’t know what could be your problem. Please write a topic and I’ll try to understand and correct your problem.




「aNobii WordPress Widget」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。
