aNobii WordPress Widget is a WordPress widget which shows randomly the covers of some books from your aNobii’s shelf.
1.1 – Now you can:
* choose the size of the covers (small, large or square)
* exclude books without covers
* choose the most recent books instead of only showing them randomly
* filtering the books by reading progress (all, reading, finished, reading+finished)
1.0 – It works on Internet Explorer 7!
What I need?
Follow these simple instructions:
- You need to install the latest version of WordPress
- You need widget support (the latest version of WordPress supports it natively; if you use an older version you can download the Widgets plugin)
- Obviously, you need an aNobii account
How can I install it?
- You need to extract the content of the archive and to copy/move the inner directory “anobii-wordpress-widget” to the wp-content/plugins folder. Make sure that the path of the main php file is wp-content/plugins/anobii-wordpress-widget/aNobii.php.
And now?
You have to configure the plugin following the instructions at the page “Options->aNobii Plugin“.
- Why doesn’t it show anything?
Probably, you have to configure it under “Options->aNobii Plugin“.
- I configured it! It doesn’t work!
Probably, you have specified a “customized” url in the preferences, such as http://www.anobii.com/people/jhack: it will never work! You must retrieve your user-id from the Feed RSS url near to the bottom of your aNobii’s Home Profile.
Therefore the url you must provide must be something like http://www.anobii.com/people/010c51b082b89840a7.
- The URL is correct now, but I can’t see any cover
Check if the file “proxy.php” (and the directories which contain it) have the correct permissions. It depends on your host, so I can’t say what are the best configurations. For me, 755 for the directories and 644 for “proxy.php”, but on different hosts the latter one needs 755.
- What the hell?! It still doesn’t work!
I don’t know what could be your problem. Please write a topic and I’ll try to understand and correct your problem.