该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Audit Charitable Donations Plugin


Charitable plugin of the WordPress allows non-profits and developers to create powerful fundraising platforms on their own website.

Audit Charitable Donations provides an ability to maintain the transparency with Donors and gain more trust by giving an overview of how and where their donations are being utilized by your fundraising platform.


  1. Add your expenses made from the fund raised
  2. See all the expenses in WP Admin Dashboard Audit Donations Page
  3. Display the Audit data seggregated by Charitable Campaigns, anywhere on the website with the help of a shortcode [charitable_audit]


  • For any issue with the plugin, or if you have any suggestions, email me at himani.lotia@gmail.com


  • Add/Audit expenses using this Form on Audit Donations Page
  • View all your expenses on Audit Donations Page
  • Use the shortcode [charitable_audit] to show Donations Audit Report


Steps to Integrate Charitable Track Donations with Charitable Plugin

  1. Install and Activate Charitable Plugin if not done already.
  2. Install and Activate Charitable Track Donations Plugin.
  3. Go to the Audit Donations page of the plugin
  4. Add the expense with the help of a simple form.
  5. Added Expenses will be displayed below on the page Audit Donations in the form of a table
  6. Insert the shortcode [charitable_audit] anywhere on the website


How can I add expenses that are made using Donations received for Charity cause?

On activating the plugin, sub menu item ‘Audit Donations’ would be added under Caritable Menu and also you can find the link on Plugins page action links.
You, can add the expense details like expense title, expense amount, expense date, select the corresponding campaign on the Audit Charitable Donations Page.

How can I display the Charitable Audit Donations report on my website?

You need to insert the shortcode [charitable_audit] inside your page content.


2018 年 11 月 26 日
It is one of the very useful plugins to maintain the record of donations received and spent against each campaign, thus providing complete transparency to the donors. We can add receipt for the spent amount against each campaign thus we can gain complete trust from the donor by providing them complete overview about how the donation is being utilised. This platform helps to maintain good relationship with the donors and also help to receive the donations for long run.


“Audit Charitable Donations Plugin” 是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。



v 1.0.0
Initial Release

v 1.0.1
Fix a bug – Incorrect class reference