该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Auto-Social Meta Tags ASMT83


Auto-Social Meta Tags ASMT83 Adds social meta tags automatically on posts, pages and other parts of a WordPress site by using existing characteristics, like the excerpt, tags and featured image.

How does it work?

This plugin adds meta tags to the head of pages and posts.
If the page or post has a featured image, it adds the following tags. If there is not, the tags are not added.
– LINK image_src
– META twitter:image
– META og:image

If the page or post has an excerpt, it adds the following tags. If there is not, it will take the blog’s tagline/about.
– META description
– META og:description

Using the page’s or post’s title adds:
– META og:title

Using the post’s tags adds the following. If there are none, the tag is not added. Pages do not have tags.
– META keywords

To add the type tags it needs a custom option in the post or page that you have to set. If the option is absent, it adds the value ‘article’.
– META og:type
– META twitter:card

Using the post or page’s permalink (URL) adds:
– META og:url

Using the Facebook App Id introduced here, it adds:
– META fb:app_id

That’s it. It is a short plugin for meta tags, but it does the work.


Upload the Auto-Social Meta Tags ASMT83 plugin to your blog, activate it, and you’re done!




「Auto-Social Meta Tags ASMT83」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




Release Date – 29 August 2020
First release

For more information, fell free to visit the Plugin’s page at: https://migue0583-dev.blogspot.com/2020/08/auto-social-meta-tags-asmt83.html
Created by Miguel Escalera (migue0583@hotmail.com)
Mexico 2020