The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.


The fastest and only feature-complete SEO plugin that follows the guidelines and rules imposed by WordPress and search engines.

Preview The SEO Framework in WordPress Playground.

Start using proven SEO tactics to improve your website’s ranking. Clean, dedicated, extensible, unrestricted, ad-free, and no strings attached.

To top it off, this is the fastest full-featured SEO plugin, and it blends right into your WordPress website, without leaving you in the dark.

很容易上手。激活此插件,您的网站将立即受到保护,免受主要 SEO 攻击。 SEO 框架还将为您预填充所有关键元标记。一个真正的节省时间。巧妙。

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We poured over 27 000 hours of love into this plugin.
Here are the results:

  • 太棒了。
    SEO 框架是 SEO 的专家系统。 它是唯一可以通过阅读您的 WordPress 环境智能生成任何语言的关键 SEO 元标记的解决方案。 这种自动化为您节省了大量时间,可用于编写更多内容或专注于其他任务。 它还消除了对高级 SEO 知识的需求。

  • 它有预先配置.
    借助 SEO 框架,我们通过合理优化您的所有页面,为您的网站提供了一个绝佳的起点。 当然,您也可以随意调整它。 如果您不是 SEO 专家,请在我们的设置指南中了解您可能希望优化的内容。

  • 它可以帮助您优化元数据。
    我们制作了唯一一个完全遵循 Google 网站管理员指南的 SEO 插件。 花了多年的研究和调整才能在您的 WordPress 界面中很好地翻译。 最后,您可以自由地优化您的页面,而不必担心犯下严重的错误。

  • It creates a beautiful overview.
    On your post overview pages, you’ll find color-coded guidelines. They suggest how to improve your pages as you hover over them with your mouse cursor. For example, when your titles are unbranded or when WordPress blocks indexing. Instinctively, touch-and keyboard navigation is also supported.

  • 它包括特殊的支持。
    我们不外包我们的支持。 我们在这里为您服务。 请随时访问我们的支持论坛提出问题。 在过去五年中,通常在 48 小时内得到了超过 1400 次的亲自答复。

  • 它没有留下任何错误的余地。
    我们专注于您需要的功能的质量,而不是您不需要的功能的数量。 这个特性使这个插件独一无二,更快,更准确,几乎没有错误,而且更可持续。 额外的好处是您的网站不太可能受到搜索引擎的惩罚。 我们不会引导您编写不自然的内容或允许您欺骗搜索引擎。

  • 它仍然是真实和纯粹的。
    我们为小型到大型公司和企业构建了 SEO 框架。 该界面完全可访问并无缝集成到您的仪表板中。 因此,与此插件交互感觉很自然。 这可能会让人感到乏味,但您的 WordPress 仪表板不应该成为我们品牌的广告牌。 我们永远不会改变这一点。

  • It improves search presence.
    The SEO Framework ranks your website distinctively by enabling breadcrumbs for Google Search via structured data. It also automatically generates titles and descriptions according to Google’s guidelines and quickly helps search engines find the website’s latest changes via the built-in optimized sitemap.

  • It makes social sharing easy.
    The SEO Framework automatically supports and allows you to further tailor the Open Graph, Facebook, and Twitter Cards protocols. It helps your posts stand out when they’re shared on various social networks, including Pinterest, Discord, and WhatsApp.

  • 感觉不仅仅是触手可及。↵我们精心挑选了我们的配色方案,以便有任何医学上公认的色觉缺陷的人可以区分搜索引擎设置的指南。我们还实现了完整的键盘导航和屏幕阅读器支持。

  • 它可以保护您免于出错。
    SEO 框架会引导您避免犯下重大且常见的 SEO 错误。 它给您留下的空间很小,因为该插件已经为您完成了所有 SEO。 例如,它通过执行严格的规范规则自动防止重复的内容错误。

  • 它遵循最佳实践和超越。
    WordPress 插件的最大问题是安全性和兼容性。 作为兼职安全研究人员,我们专注于让这个插件变得不可渗透。 SEO 框架也尽可能使用 WordPress 的 API,使这个插件与其他所有考虑到这一点编写的插件巧妙地集成在一起。

  • 它以开发者为核心。
    我们鼓励其他开发人员增强和添加此插件的功能。 我们已经通过我们的扩展自己做到了这一点。 查看我们的 API,并随时贡献!

  • 它尊重您的隐私。
    SEO 框架不会向我们发送任何信息,也不会创建 cookie。从我们严格遵守的隐私政策中了解更多信息。




  • Focus 将引导您完成编写具有焦点关键字和同义词排名的目标内容的过程。
  • 文章通过自动添加重要的结构化数据增强您发布的帖子
  • Transport migrates and transforms metadata from Rank Math, Yoast SEO, and SEOPress to this plugin.
  • Honeypot catches comment spammers through five lightweight yet powerful ways.
  • Cord helps you connect your website to Google Analytics and Meta Pixel.
  • 本地让您可以设置重要的本地业务信息供搜索引擎使用。
  • AMP将 SEO 框架绑定到 AMP 插件,用于 AMP 支持的文章和页面。
  • Monitor 跟踪您网站的 SEO 优化和统计数据。
  • 隐身 隐藏来自 SEO 框架的所有开发评论
  • Origin 重新定位附件-页面 访问者 回到父文章.
  • Title Fix 确保您的标题输出符合配置。即使你的主题做错了。



SEO 框架是一个独特的白标插件,可无缝融入您的 WordPress 仪表板。 这意味着我们甚至不会在您的 WordPress 界面中的任何地方放置“搜索引擎优化框架”这个名称。 没有广告,没有唠叨。 没有人必须知道您用来创建网站的工具。 请注意,我们输出标准化的开发评论,以区分源代码中的插件输出。 您可以使用我们免费的隐身扩展删除这些内容。


SEO 框架可以在不通知您的情况下处理许多事情,因为最好的软件是快速、灵活、响应迅速的,并且应该可以节省您宝贵的时间。以下是它在屏幕后面所做的一些事情。

  • 它可以防止类别、页面、子域和 WordPress 多站点域映射的规范错误。
  • 它通过告诉搜索引擎查看现有的最后一页来阻止由 WordPress 中的分页漏洞引起的 SEO 攻击。
  • 它不鼓励将 404 页面和空类别编入索引,即使它们不发送 404 响应。
  • 启用站点地图后,它会自动通知 Google 和 Bing 网络有关网站更新的信息。
  • 它不鼓励搜索引擎索引提要和站点地图。这并不意味着他们不会使用它们;只是,他们不会在搜索结果中显示它们。
  • 它将搜索引擎从评论页面引导回存储这些评论的帖子。


SEO 框架支持:

  • Internationalization through You can contribute here.
  • Unicode (UTF-8) 字符识别和渲染,包括 Emoji 和 CJKV(中文、日文、韩文、越南文)。
  • Right to Left (RTL) languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, etc.), through its interface and metatag generation.
  • 由于精心挑选的配色方案,完整的色觉缺陷可访问性。
  • 完整的键盘导航,这样您就可以快速检查工具提示,而无需伸手去拿鼠标。
  • 通过字段锚点、ARIA 标签和标题属性的全屏阅读器可访问性。
  • WordPress 多站点设置,这个插件实际上是建立在一个之上的。
  • 检测和输出robots.txt 和sitemap.xml 文件。
  • 与WordPress 核心站点地图完全整合.
  • Primary term (category) selection to influence breadcrumbs and links.
  • 通过 JSON-LD 脚本输出结构化数据。
  • 更改 oEmbed 以改进 Discord 上的共享。
  • 检测各种其他SEO工具,助您优雅切换。
  • WPML、Polylang、WPGlobus 和 MultilingualPress 等翻译插件。
  • E-commerce 插件, 例如 WooCommerce 以及 Easy Digital Downloads.
  • Forum plugins like bbPress and wpForo.
  • 通过 WordPress 的原生批量和快速编辑界面编辑帖子和术语。
  • Headless mode via a single constant definition.


  • The SEO Framework shows you how your site is performing, at a glance. This is what we call the SEO Bar.
  • 将鼠标悬停在、点击或聚焦任何 SEO Bar 项目,它会告诉您从您的环境中断言的内容。
  • SEO 元框显示在所有页面上。这是你需要的一切。在这里您可以看到像素计数器。
  • 这些 SEO 设置显示在术语编辑屏幕上。它无缝融入您的 WordPress 界面。
  • The SEO Framework 的设置页面。每个设置都被彻底解释,你完全可以自己进行控制.



  • PHP 7.4 or higher.
  • WordPress 5.9 or higher.
  • 用于管理员的任意现代化浏览器


  1. 通过您的 WordPress 仪表板使用插件搜索或通过将文件上传到您的服务器来安装 SEO 框架
  2. 网络激活此插件或在单个站点上激活它。
  3. That’s it! The plugin now improves your website with SEO. It also protects your website against SEO attacks.


但是,最好阅读我们的插件设置指南以充分利用 SEO 框架。

这个插件会自动配置SEO meta 设置

然而,你可能想要阅读我们的 页面提升指南 来学习你可以怎么优化你的页面

获得更多SEO 的力量

或者,还可以安装我们免费的 Extension Manager 插件以获取其他 SEO 解决方案。


SEO 框架是免费的吗?

绝对!它将保持免费,没有广告,跟踪,暴露,或者nags! 这个插件包罗万象,但是100%的免费,不是瘫痪软件。




为什么没有分析、跟踪或 404 监控?

SEO 专家使用一些高级的工具,例如 Ahrefs,SEMrush,Screaming Forg, 以及 Google Analytics 回头来会更喜欢使用SEO 框架,因为它不会试图随意地完成他们的工作。

要正确分析您的网站,必须从外部进行分析。 如果我们在您的网站上加载这些功能,不良机器人将导致数以千计的误报,使您的数据库充满不适用于搜索引擎的无用信息。 我们避免这样做,因为它无论如何都不会帮助您。


请访问 the support forums 请告诉我们



任何意见都非常感谢,一切都会被考虑。↵ 请访问 GitHub 项目页面以提交问题甚至拉取请求。




The sitemap doesn’t contain categories, images, etc.

没有列出每一页不是问题。搜索引擎喜欢抓取 WordPress,因为它的结构一致且众所周知。




SEO 框架采用所有可公开查询的帖子、页面和 CPT,并将它们放入站点地图中。

如果您不想要站点地图中的某个页面,请考虑为其启用 noindex 选项。此选项还将从搜索引擎结果页面中删除该页面。

您应该告诉作者检查“publicrewrite 帖子类型参数”。插件或主题作者应该知道这意味着什么。

同时,您可以通过“排除项”下的“常规 SEO 设置”为不需要的条目禁用 SEO。


Google warns about the keyword stuffing approach implemented by some other SEO plugins. It forces users to write unnatural content, and it can have adverse effects on your site’s ranking.


但是,我们实施了 Google 用来帮助您为关键字找到合适的同义词和词形变化的相同 API。 此功能是我们高级扩展套件的一部分。

application/ld+json 脚本有什么作用?

JSON-LD 脚本是搜索引擎助手,它告诉搜索引擎如何连接和索引站点。我们通过 标准做到这一点。


How do I display breadcrumbs?

The SEO Framework outputs hidden breadcrumbs for search engines to find via its settings.

You can also output these breadcrumbs visually in your theme by using a shortcode.


2024 年 3 月 13 日
I should have written this review a few years back when I switched to TSF. Better late than never, right? TSF has become my goto SEO plugin and one that I use across all my websites. Sybre has poured in countless hours to make an efficient, easy to use and configure plugin. In particular is the effort to write highly performant code - you need your SEO plugin to be fast when Google wants your site to be fast! If you haven't used TSF yet, give it a shot. You won't regret it.
2024 年 2 月 20 日
While it works as intended, I needed a special feature for og:image and ACF. They helped and coded the whole thing for me. Solid plugin, and even more solid customer service.
2024 年 2 月 17 日
I switched from Rankmath to the SEO Framework and it's much better. Faster website, no annoying ads (and worse, banner ads on my site frontend), no site breaking, etc. Just the best.
2024 年 2 月 13 日
For me, the best SEO characteristic a website can have is speed. That's why I decided to test SEO Framework (other plugins were bloated and I notice lesser performance in admin and frontend). It's almost plug and play, simple yet powerful and noticed better SEO performance straight from the beginning.
2024 年 1 月 30 日
This is how plugins for WordPress should be made! The SEO Framework does what it's supposed to do, and does it better than the rest. It's a pleasure to install and use it on my sites.


“The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.” 是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.」插件已被翻译至 23 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。

将“The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.”翻译成您的语言。





This patch addresses an issue where WordPress 6.0 and higher mistakenly tweaks unpaginated queries as comment-paginated, causing indexing issues when using Full Site Editing or themes that prerender Blocks before TSF.


In this minor sitemap-centric update, we’ve integrated WPML and Polylang’s language-specific sitemap URLs into robots.txt, clarified support for complex sitemaps, and removed deprecated pinging functionality. We also added seconds to timestamps, resolved issues pertaining to the number 0, and remotely fixed another compatibility issue in Polylang.


This tiny update addresses an issue that affected detection of the assigned blog page.


This minor update fixes compatibility with Polylang Pro. We also perfected the detection of unassigned home and blog pages and improved the Block Editor’s load time by resolving a glitch.


This minor update fixes more issues our community found after the release of TSF v5.0.0. We also improved the calculation of primary terms with child terms and how breadcrumbs handle post type archives. And again, we improved the performance.


This minor update fixes issues our community found after the release of TSF v5.0.0. We also improved the performance.

5.0.0 – Apex

We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts. – Aristotle


  • There’s a brand-new relational structured data generator.
  • We added a new shortcode (and function) for breadcrumbs to put in your templates.
  • You can now select a preferred Twitter Card type for every post, term, and custom post type.
  • Do you fancy the SEO Bar but find it distracting? Toggle the new dull, low-contrast color scheme.
  • Special characters are now normalized for SEO Bar assertions, so it is now far more accurate.
  • Users with an author role anywhere in a multisite network can now have their SEO meta tweaked from any site.
  • Tooltip backgrounds and various border accents now adhere to the admin color scheme (once more).


Even though we dubbed TSF v4.2 “perfect,” it couldn’t be even better because of its legacy codebase. Many features and tweaks weren’t possible because those would’ve created bugs or made maintenance impossible. In v5.0, we overhauled everything while keeping in mind the future. In doing so, we managed to ascend to a new apex, and we can now see the next summit ahead.

Its code is unrecognizable, yet somehow very familiar. TSF v5.0 “Apex” is just the beginning of what comes next, and it won’t be downhill from here.

New breadcrumb shortcode

You can now use shortcode [tsf_breadcrumb]. This shortcode is meant to be implemented in your theme and will output the current breadcrumb. It will listen to your meta title settings. You can learn more about its syntax in our Knowledge Base about the Breadcrumb shortcode.

Important for developers

  • We refactored the entire codebase in this update — over 1.20 million characters were written, and over 0.87 million were removed.
  • The code counts 1229 registered changes; we added over 70 new classes, 220 new methods, 20 new filters, and a shortcode.
  • For the main object, tsf(), we deleted 19 classes, deprecated 388 methods and 1 property, and deleted 110 methods and 10 properties.
  • uid is now an accepted custom query parameter for almost all meta-generator methods. If your custom filters for TSF act odd on profile pages, reach out to us in the forums and show us your code. We’ll fix it for you.
  • So, if you ever used the the_seo_framework() or tsf() function, you almost certainly will get a deprecation notice. If you need assistance resolving this, please open a new support topic and show us your code.

New meta tag generator

TSF now generates all meta tags via a registry. You can alter the population of the registry via filters the_seo_framework_meta_generator_pools and the_seo_framework_meta_generators, and you can modify the final registry via filter the_seo_framework_meta_render_data. For that, you can find an example at Github.

New graph generator

We added a new structured data generator to TSF. This generator supports every page, post, archive, and custom post type. We built it to be referential and expansive by generating an ID-based graph. For example, if you refer to a Person once, their entity will be put right there, but if you refer to it again, it will use an ID-based reference. This keeps the output code neat and will not waste time generating an entity twice. You can filter it via the_seo_framework_schema_graph_data.


WordPress 5.5 through 5.8 are no longer supported. Here’s why:

  • Over 75% of all WordPress sites are using WordPress v5.9 or later.
  • Newer versions of WordPress are faster, more reliable, and easier to work with — for both you and us.
  • 支持过去的版本会花费一些时间,而更好地用于实现新功能。

PHP 7.2 and 7.3 are no longer supported. Here’s why:

  • Almost 80% of all WordPress sites are using PHP v7.4 or later.
  • Newer versions of PHP are faster and more secure. For us, they’re also easier to work with.
  • Again, supporting past versions takes time away that’s better used implementing new features.


We hope you’ll love this update as much as we do. Please consider supporting us by sharing a fantastic review, get a license, or do your friends and colleagues a favor by installing TSF for them.


We become brave by training ourselves to despise and endure terrors, and we shall be best able to endure terrors when we have become brave.

Full changelog

  • You can find the full changelog here.