该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Casper’s Leave Notice


Casper’s Leave Notice warns your users when they are about to leave your website. All you have to do is install and activate, and the plugin does the rest! You can edit the content that shows up in the pop up window to fine tune the message your users see. You can also add domain names to exclude from the pop up.

For example, if a link sends your users to a third party tool – like a shopping cart – just add the domain to the exclusion list and your guests will be none the wiser.


  • You can find the plugin under Settings -> External Links
  • You can edit both the title of the pop up and the body.
  • You can add domains to a comma-separated list to universally exclude domains from being considered external. Alternatively, you can give certain links a class to prevent the pop up.


Manual Installation

  1. Download the plugin here
  2. Upload it to your WordPress Plugins folder
  3. Activate it through the WordPress Dashboard Plugin page

Automatic Installation

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Go to Plugins -> Add New
  3. Search for Casper’s Leave Notice
  4. Install and activate.

How to Change the Content of the Pop Up

  1. Go to Settings -> External Links
  2. Write the content you want. You can edit the Title and/or the Body. Save!

How to Add Exceptions to the Pop Up

  1. Go to Settings -> External Links
  2. Click on the Exceptions tag
  3. Add any external domains you want to exclude from this warning. Separate them by commas. Save!

It’s that simple.


Is there any way to change the style of the pop up?

We are looking into adding styling and/or themes. If you have any design ideas, please reach out at @SirCaseyJames on Twitter, or leave a message here on the WordPress Support forums. In the meantime, you can add your own custom styling through CSS.

I added a domain to the exclusion list; why is the pop up still showing up?

There could be several reasons. Be sure to first try clearing your browser and site cache. If it still does not take affect, please check what you entered into the text area. Domains must be separated by commas (i.e. ‘domain.com, test.com’). You must also use the most minimal amount of the domain to have the widest effect. For example, if you type in www.domain.com, anywhere that links to domain.com will not be excluded. Conversely, however, if you just type in domain.com, www.domain.com will be excluded. As such, it’s best to use as little as possible in the exclusion list.

If the problem persists, please submit an issue through the WordPress support forms.

Why is the pop up working on some links, but not others?

While rare, some themes may have markup that is incompatible with Casper’s Leave Notice. I’m happy to remedy this — just open up a support ticket with a link to your site and I’ll release a patch.

Another possibility is a theme or plugin unbinding JavaScript events on certain elements. The JavaScript event is required for the plugin to work. To figure out if this is the case, try switching themes or disabling other plugins. Once you find the source of the conflict, open up a support ticket and I may be able to find a fix.

Are there any known conflicts?

The only know conflict today is with Max Mega Menu, but there is an easy solution. This plugin by default unbinds JavaScript events from link elements, but they give you an option to turn this off. Just go to Mega Menu -> General Settings and find the option called Unbind JavaScript Events. Set this to no.


2019 年 8 月 27 日
This plugin creates a disclaimer message when someone leaves the website. Its easy to exclude pages, and there is even a special “no-disclaimer” class for buttons, links, etc. How refreshing to find a simple plugin that does exactly what it says it does.
2017 年 5 月 18 日
Works perfectly and no work at all to get it working. Exactly what I needed for my website!
2017 年 5 月 2 日
This plugin is the bomb! It does one job but it does that job PERFECTLY, imho! It’s very easy to configure. It works like a charm.


「Casper’s Leave Notice」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




  • Fixed issue where the popup wasn’t working in Internet Explorer


  • Fixed issue where the plugin would not work when elements were nested inside of the anchor element


  • Fixed bug where the auto-redirect was still redirecting even when a user hit cancel
  • Fixed bug where auto-redirect time setting was not saving
  • Deleting the plugin now also cleans the db of the new option introduced in v1.2


  • Added a feature that allows you to automatically redirect users to the URL after a certain time passes


  • Now fully responsive
  • UX improvements: pop up notice now closes when you go to the link in question; also closes on Esc
  • Performance improvements: reducing the amount of memory usage by using more specific event handlers


  • Fixed some debug errors when no Exclusions were set


  • Plugin is live!