该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Category Sticky Post


Category Sticky Post allows you to mark a post to be displayed – or stuck – to the top of each archive page for the specified

Category Sticky Post…

  • Allows you to select which category in which to stick a post
  • Will display the post on the top of the first page of the archive just like built-in sticky posts
  • Will only allow you to stick a single post per category
  • Displays whether or not a post is stuck in a category on the Post Edit dashboard
  • Provides light styling that should look good in most themes
  • Is available on each post editor page
  • Is fully localized and ready for translation

For more information or to follow the project, check out the project page.

Development Information

Category Sticky Post was built with…


  • A post marked as a ‘Category Sticky’ displaying at the top of an archive page
  • The new menu item for selecting which in which category to stick the given post
  • Disabled options show that a category already has a sticky post
  • The post dashboard indicating which entries are category sticky posts


Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ Plugin Dashboard
  2. Select category-sticky-post.zip from your computer
  3. 确认上传
  4. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugin Dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Extract category-sticky-post.zip to your computer
  2. Upload the category-sticky-post directory to your wp-content/plugins directory
  3. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugins dashboard


Installation Instructions

Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ Plugin Dashboard
  2. Select category-sticky-post.zip from your computer
  3. 确认上传
  4. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugin Dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Extract category-sticky-post.zip to your computer
  2. Upload the category-sticky-post directory to your wp-content/plugins directory
  3. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugins dashboard


2020 年 6 月 6 日
Once upon a time i applied this useful plugin. Now the plugin search did not show it on my new wordpress site. Found it, and installed other way. And still works. Thank you!


「Category Sticky Post」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




  • Change plugin authorship.


  • Fix to plugin ownership name.


  • Changing plugin ownership.


  • Adding Serbian language translation (props George Dragojevic)


  • WordPress 4.3 Compatibility
  • Updating author URLs
  • Removing the disabled functionality that would prevent you from selecting the same
    category a post originally had (props marc)
  • Removing some unused functions
  • Cleaning up some of the PHP


  • WordPress 4.2.1 compatibility
  • Updating copyright dates


  • WordPress 4.0 compatibility
  • Checking the main query to avoid conflicts with other plugins that deal with the main query


  • Verifying WordPress 3.9 compatibility


  • Removing the ability to add the sticky post to Pages (this should not have been possible earlier)
  • Verifying WordPress 3.8 compatibility


  • Adding Spanish translations (props to Andrew Kurtis)


  • Updating the plugin so that the category-sticky class is applied only on category archive pages (props http://davidpratten.com).


  • Updating the plugin to support pages custom post types
  • Moving the screenshots to the /assets/ directory to make the download a bit smaller


  • Resolving a bug that marked the category as ‘unstuck’ when updating a post
  • Introduced a feature for disabling the category sticky border
  • Improving the coding standards of the plugin be separating the class into its own file
  • Improving the PHPDoc of the plugin


  • Removing the custom.css line in the README file


  • Now posts that belong to multiple categories are properly styled when they are marked as sticky
  • Removing some of the styles that were causing posts to look incorrect in certain themes
  • Documenting all of the functions that exist in the source code
  • Fully removing custom.css support


  • Removing the custom.css support as it was causing issues with other plugin upgrades. Will be restored later, if requested.


  • Improving support for adding custom.css so that the file is also managed properly during the plugin update process
  • Updating localization files


  • Updating function calls to use updated PHP conventions
  • Adding a function to dynamically create a custom.css file if one doesn’t exist
  • Verifying compatibility with WordPress 3.5


  • Initial release