Change Admin Email


This plugin allows an administrator to change the “site admin email”, without sending a confirmation email from the server. This can be useful for testing purposes, localhost setups, or any other situation where outbound email is disabled on the site. A new “feature” of WordPress 4.9 is that the administrator cannot change the site admin email without outgoing email setup on the server. This plugin restores the administrator’s ability to change this setting without sending a confirmation email. Note that the “site admin email” is the global email used for admin purposes on the site. It is the “from” address when the site sends an email. The “site admin email” may be different from the administrator’s personal user email, which is associated with the administrator’s user account.


Once activated, an administrator can change the admin email from the Settings >> General page. You can request a test email be sent to the new email address. The test email is sent from our servers. You can view our privacy policy here: at .


Clone or copy the file into your plugins directory, then activate the plugin from the admin menu.


2024 年 10 月 18 日
This plugin saved me from a lot of work and stress.
2024 年 9 月 3 日
I was stuck with the Admin email that came with an InstaWP blueprint. This plugin worked like magic. Thank You!


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