该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Choyal Subscription Popup – MailChimp Support


Choyal Subscription Popup fully customizable popup. Full control over popup heading, text, popup background overlay and background image. Awesome popup box design’s is available. Also Support support mailchimp and own wordpress database of all subscribers. Show/Hide popup and enable/disable mailchimp from plugin setting option.


  1. Subscription Popup (Control Enable/Disable)
  2. MailChimp API Integration (Syncronization with mailchimp)
  3. Dashboard Subscriber’s listing with delete, bulk delete, Pagination, Search functions
  4. Ability to chnage popup Title, Text, Popup background image
  5. Popup Background Overlay Hide/Show & Overlay Opacity Control From Setting
  6. Popup Design Setting Page – Pro Version(Coming Soon)
  7. Add/remove First name and Last name field from popup
  8. Show/Hide popup for loggein users
  9. Show Popup on selected pages, Post Type Archive and Homepage.

Please guide if you have any improvement idea about this plugin.
You can mail me at girdharichoyal@gmail.com Or contact me on skype ID gchoyal.
Your feedback is like golden eggs for me.

Thank you


  • Popup
  • Subscribers Database with infinite scroll
  • Setting


Download Plugin and extract plugin folder in Server-root-directory/wp-content/plugins folder.


Q. Is this free version?
Ans. Yes

Q. Can I change popup designs?
Ans. I am working on new version of the plugin that will have this feature.

Q. Is MailChimp list automatically sync?
Ans. Yes, all new subscribers automatically added to MailChimp subscriber list.

Installation Instructions

Download Plugin and extract plugin folder in Server-root-directory/wp-content/plugins folder.




「Choyal Subscription Popup – MailChimp Support」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。



In Version 2.0

  1. Ability to chnage popup Title, Text, Popup background image
  2. Popup Background Overlay Hide/Show & Overlay Opacity Control From Setting
  3. Popup Design Setting Page – Pro Version(Coming Soon)
  4. Add/remove First name and Last name field from popup
  5. Show/Hide popup setting for loggein users.
  6. Show Popup on selected pages, Post Type Archive and Homepage.