该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Client and Product Testimonials


Client and Product Testimonials is the most robust, stylish and extensible testimonial plugin. Quickly and easily generate beautiful testimonials for your site in just a few clicks. You have the option to choose between ‘product’ testimonials/reviews or ‘client’ testimonials/reviews.

You can create as many products/clients as needed and assign your testimonials to each one as needed. We’ve also included a very powerful shortcode generator that allows you to create highly customized testimonials, quickly and effortlessly without writing any code.

Client and Product Testimonials is highly extensible as we’ve built in a ton of hooks and filters for developers to take advantage of.

3 Included Shortcodes:

  • [testimonial-fade-slider] – A simple but beautiful testimonial slider.
  • [testimonial-full-width] – Display a single testimonial in a full width container. Set to random on each load, or display a single testimonial each time.
  • [testimonial-list] – Display your testimonials in list form. You have the ability to specify a 1/2/3 or 4 column display.

2 Included Widgets:

  • List Widget – Display a single column list of testimonials in your sidebar or any widgetized area of your site.
  • Slider Widget – Display a simple slider in your sidebar or any widgetized area of your site.

Additional Features:

  • Multiple image styles – included fade to color on hover
  • Powerful shortcode generator
  • Toggle testimonials between pending review and live on your site
  • Fallback image when a testimonial image is not specified
  • Adjust empty star visiblity to show only filled stars, or all stars
  • Toggle between products or client testimonials

Pro Features

  • Additional Shortcodes
  • Frontend Submission Form
  • Testimonial Admin Management (approve/pending review)
  • Video Testimonials
  • Rich Snippet for Reviews and Ratings markup
  • Priority Support, code/styles as needed, developer support

Get the pro version!

Want to give things a try? We’ve setup a demo site where users can create testimonials and play around in the admin dashboard using the full, pro version, of the plugin.

Test the Pro Version!


  • Client and Product Testimonial settings page
  • Full list of testimonials on site
  • Editing a single testimonial
  • Testimonial slider display
  • Testimonial full width display
  • Testimonial list display (3 column)
  • Testimonial shortcode generator


  1. Download the plugin .zip file and make note of where on your computer you downloaded it to.
  2. In the WordPress admin (yourdomain.com/wp-admin) go to Plugins > Add New or click the “Add New” button on the main plugins screen.
  3. On the following screen, click the “Upload Plugin” button.
  4. Browse your computer to where you downloaded the plugin .zip file, select it and click the “Install Now” button.
  5. After the plugin has successfully installed, click “Activate Plugin” and enjoy!

Visit our Knowledge Base for more detailed installation instructions.


Installation Instructions
  1. Download the plugin .zip file and make note of where on your computer you downloaded it to.
  2. In the WordPress admin (yourdomain.com/wp-admin) go to Plugins > Add New or click the “Add New” button on the main plugins screen.
  3. On the following screen, click the “Upload Plugin” button.
  4. Browse your computer to where you downloaded the plugin .zip file, select it and click the “Install Now” button.
  5. After the plugin has successfully installed, click “Activate Plugin” and enjoy!

Visit our Knowledge Base for more detailed installation instructions.

Can I create video testimonials using this plugin?

The free version does not support video testimonials, but our pro version allows you to convert any of your existing (or new) testimonials into video testimonials. You have the ability to use either YouTube or Vimeo links, and can even customize the player a bit. Check out some of the features.

Can I use another icon other than the included stars?

Yes! We’ve included filters to allow you to use whatever icons you want. Take a look at the following knowledge base article on how to achieve what you are after.

Do you have additional hooks and filters that developers can make use of?

Indeed we do. From the inception of this plugin we wanted to make things extensible for those times you need to make something special happen. Take a look at our documentation for a full list of hooks and filters and how to use them. This list will grow and continue to be fleshed out in future.

Do you integrate with any other plugins? Can I create tesetimonials for WooCommerce/Easy Digital Download products?

Yes! We’ve included the ability to import existing WooCommerce or Easy Digital Download products directly into Client and Product Testimonials. Once you import the products from the chosen plugin, you can begin assigning your testimonials to the respective product.

On top of that, if you use any of the included shortcodes or widgets on the single_product template (for either plugin) – the testimonials will be filtered to only return testimonials assigned to that given product. This allows you to quickly and easily display testimonials assigned to a product.

With the pro version you can add our frontend submission form to start accepting testimonials from your customers, for each of your products.

Can I use my own preloader image?

Yes! Take a look at the following knowledge base article on how to get that done. If you’re still unsure, and are a free user – please consider upgrading to the pro version for additional support.

Can I test out the full featured pro version?

Yes! We’ve setup a demo site where users can create testimonials and play around in the admin dashboard using the full, pro version, of the plugin.

Test the Pro Version!




「Client and Product Testimonials」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。



1.0.1 – February 23rd 2016

  • Change redirect location on activation.
  • Set flexslider overflow to visible (some themes were hiding the controls)
  • Set the divider between the client name & company position to hidden when no client was assigned.

1.0 – January 9th, 2016

  • Initial Realease