- Author: San40us
- Website: http://san40us-blog.ru/
- License: GPL v.2 see the bottom of
Lightweight and easy to use plug-in for easy text formatting while writing a comment. It has the ability to create custom tags and buttons. Automatically built into the shape of the element to add comments textarea, immediately after activation. In most cases, your hand does not need to install the hook into the file comments.php.
To install the plugin, you should:
- Unpack the zip-file plug-in directory ‘wp-content/plugins/’
- Activate the plugin management page plug-ins.
Q: I have installed and activated the plugin but in the form of adding comments, nothing has changed?
R: The reason may be the lack of hook ‘comment_form’ in the file comments.php of your theme. To set the hook ‘comment_form’ self-open the file comments.php in the theme editor and add the code ‘ID );?>’ the end of the comment form. Save your changes and then test the plug-in.
The release plugin, the core functionality, text formatting on the isolation and insertion of empty tags to enter text between them, inserting images and links, inserting snippets of code with the ability to select the desired language from the list.
- Added ability to create numbered and bulleted lists.
- Menu selection smiles.
- The opportunity to ask bracketed tags (eg < > or [ ]) for each button separately.