该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。



The Dexs.Counter plugin detects each (unique) view and stores the collected data into the own
database table as well as own post_meta, which can be used to configure WP_Query loops depending on
the counter. This informations are already used in the 2 frontend and in the small dashboard widget.
The plugin contains also an extended statistic, which shows the daily views (of all posts) as
diagram within the dashboard widget. Last but not Least: The plugin offers also a small rating system.


This plugin is still Alpha and will be expanded in the future. However, it should not contain
critical bugs, but if you found one or if you even have general suggestions for improvement then
write us on our WordPress Plugin Support Page.

Thank You!


  • Post Types: En/Disable the view and rating counter on each single (costum) post type.
  • Exclude Roles: In/Exclude user roles from the view- and rating system.
  • Rating Layout: Choose between a single (Like), double (Like, Dislike), 3-level and 5-level rating layout.
  • Frontend Widgets: 2 Frontend widgets which allows you to display post lists depending on the view and rate counter.
  • Extended Statistics: Logs each day-counter and displays this informations within the dashboard widget.


  • The settings page.
  • The dashboard widget.


  1. Upload the dexs-counter folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the plugin through the own ‘Dexs Counter’ Admin Page.
  4. Use It and rate our plugin on the official WordPress Plugin Directory ;3!


You can use the dexs counter environment easily within your own WordPress theme. This is useful, if
you want to adapt the dexs counter design seamless to your theme. Please Note: You should always
check, if the respective function exists with the php function_exists(function_name) method!

dexs_cr_get_views ($post_id, $type)

Get one of the four view counter numbers for the respective post.


  • $post_id (Required)
    The respective post id. Use the get_the_ID() WordPress function within a loop.
  • $type (Optional)
    Set the view counter type by using one of the following strings
    • "total" returns all registered clicks. (Default)
    • "daily" returns all registered clicks for the current day.
    • "unique" returns all unique clicks (one click / user).
    • "daily_unique" returns all unique clicks (one click / user) for the current day.

Return Values

Returns the view counter number as integer or false if the $post_id parameter in invalid.

dexs_cr_has_viewed ($post_id)

Checks if the current user has already clicked on the respective post.


  • $post_id (Required)
    The respective post id. Use the get_the_ID() WordPress function within a loop.

Return Values

Returns true if the user has already clicked on the post, and false if not or if the
$post_id parameter is invalid!

dexs_cr_get_rating ($post_id)

Get the rating data for the respective post.


  • $post_id (Required)
    The respective post id. Use the get_the_ID() WordPress function within a loop.

Return Values

Returns an array with the rating data or false on failure. Note: The rating data (or rather
the array keys) depends on your rating layout setting (see below), but the values are always
integers an represents the number of ratings / clicks on the respective rating value.

  • On “Single”: array("like" => [int])
  • On “Double”: array("like" => [int], "dislike" => [int])
  • On “3-Level”: array("1" => [int], "2" => [int], "3" => [int])
  • On “5-Level”: array("1" => [int], "2" => [int], "3" => [int], "4" => [int], "5" => [int])
dexs_cr_has_rated ($post_id, $value)

Checks if the current user has already rated yet and returns perhaps his rating value.


  • $post_id (Required)
    The respective post id. Use the get_the_ID() WordPress function within a loop.
  • $value (Optional)
    Change the returning value:
    • false checks only if the user has already rated. (Default)
    • true checks if the user has already rated and returns the rate value.

Return Values

($value == false):<br />

Returns true if the user has already rated yet or false if not or if the $post_id is invalid.
Note: Returns NULL if the current user is within an excluded role!

($value == true):<br />

Returns the respective rating value as string or an empty string if the current user hasn’t
rated yet. Note: Returns false if the $post_id is invalid and NULL if the current user is
within an excluded role

dexs_cr_rating_link ($post_id, $value)

Creates one or more rating links with an WordPress nonce. Example:

  • $post_id (Required)
    The respective post id. Use the get_the_ID() WordPress function within a loop.
  • $value (Optional)
    Configure the returning value:
    • NULL all rating values, depending on the rating layout. (Default)
    • *value* checks if the user has already rated and returns the rate value.

Return Values

($value == NULL):<br />

Returns all rating links as array or **false* on failure. Note: The array keys are the
respective rating values, depending on the rating layout setting!

($value == value):<br />

Returns the respective rating link as string or false on failure. Note: Returns also false
if the given value doesn’t match to the rating layout setting!


You can use the following settings to change the post order, of your costum WP_Query requests,
depending to view counter OR rating counter. Note: You may return an empty post list, if you use the
daily or daily_unique counter and if nobody has viewed a single post item on the day yet. Note also:
The Dexs.Counter plugin doesn’t automatically add the counter meta data to all of your posts. So
each post that havn’t been clicked / rated yet are therefore not considered!

    // The Most-Viewed Posts (Total)
    $query = array(
        "order"     => "DESC",
        "orderby"   => "meta_value_num",
        "meta_key"  => "dexs_views_total"
    $posts = new WP_Query($query);

    // The Most-Viewed Posts (Unique)
    $query = array(
        "order"     => "DESC",
        "orderby"   => "meta_value_num",
        "meta_key"  => "dexs_views_unique"
    $posts = new WP_Query($query);

    // The Most-Viewed Posts (Total / Today)
    $query = array(
        "order"     => "DESC",
        "orderby"   => "meta_value_num",
        "meta_key"  => "dexs_views_today"
    $posts = new WP_Query($query);

    // The Most-Viewed Posts (Unique / Today)
    $query = array(
        "order"     => "DESC",
        "orderby"   => "meta_value_num",
        "meta_key"  => "dexs_views_today_unique"
    $posts = new WP_Query($query);

    // The Best-Rated Posts
    $query = array(
        "order"     => "DESC",
        "orderby"   => "meta_value_num",
        "meta_key"  => "dexs_ratings"
    $posts = new WP_Query($query);

    // The Worst-Rated Posts
    $query = array(
        "order"     => "ASC",
        "orderby"   => "meta_value_num",
        "meta_key"  => "dexs_ratings"
    $posts = new WP_Query($query);

    // The Most-Rated Posts
    $query = array(
        "order"     => "DESC",
        "orderby"   => "meta_value_num",
        "meta_key"  => "dexs_ratings_num"
    $posts = new WP_Query($query);

    // The Fewest-Rated Posts
    $query = array(
        "order"     => "ASC",
        "orderby"   => "meta_value_num",
        "meta_key"  => "dexs_ratings_num"
    $posts = new WP_Query($query);




「Dexs.Counter」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「Dexs.Counter」插件已被翻译至 1 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。





Version 0.1.3 (Alpha)

  • [FIX] Error on an empty counter diagram within the dashboard widget.

Version 0.1.2 (Alpha)

  • [UPD] The design and data within the counter diagram.
  • [FIX] The counter diagram datasets had the wrong direction.

Version 0.1.1 (Alpha)

  • [ADD] Trivial “Humanity Test” for the view counter.
  • [ADD] The dexs-counter-verify option as part of the new “Humanity Test”.
  • [FIX] The _ip() function has hashed the wrong value.

Version 0.1.0 (Alpha)

  • First Release