Display Price Free


This plugin Display FREE if Price Zero or Empty – WooCommerce Single Product.

Add the Display Price Free to the WordPress.

✅ More information about the plugin in Display Price Free for WooCommerce

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  • Display Price Free Dashboard


Automatic installation
1. Plugin admin panel and add new option.
2. Search in the common Display Price Free box.
3. Placed in the description of this plugin and select install.
4. Activate the plugin from the WordPress administration panel.

ZIP files Installation manual
1. Download the ZIP file from this screen.
2. Select the add plugin option from the admin panel.
3. Select the heavy load option and select the downloaded file.
4. Confirm Installation and activation plugin from the administration panel.

Manual FTP installation
1. Download the ZIP file from this screen and unzip.
2. Go to your FTP folder on your web server.
3. Copy the directory multi link in bio into the following address wp-content/plugins/
4. Activate the plugin from the WordPress administration panel.


Can I add a customised text?

  1. Go to WooCoommerce > Display Price Free
  2. Add text custom
  3. Hit “Save”




“Display Price Free” 是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「Display Price Free」插件已被翻译至 6 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。

将“Display Price Free”翻译成您的语言。




1.0 (28/08/2024)

Fix: validando versión WC 9.2.3
Fix: validando versión WP 6.6.1

0.0.9 (05/04/2024)

Fix: validando versión WC 8.7.0
Fix: validando versión WP 6.5

0.0.8 (22/03/2024)

Fix: validando versión WC 8.7.0
Fix: validando versión WP 6.4.3

0.0.7 (22/03/2024)

Fix: validando versión WC 8.7.0
Fix: validando versión WP 6.4.3

0.0.6 (06/12/2022)

Fix: validando versión WC 7.1.0
Fix: validando versión WP 6.1.1

0.0.5 (16/05/2022)

Fix: validando versión WC 6.5.1
Fix: validando versión WP 6.0

0.0.4 (27/01/2022)

Fix: validando versión WC 6.1.1
Fix: validando versión WP 5.9
Fix: agregando texto personalizado en el cart and checkout page.

0.0.3 (14/06/2021)

Fix: validando versión WC 5.4.1.
Fix: agregando links en el readme de plugins free y premium.

