该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。



Based on the brilliant script Elevator.js. How can you resist the familiar notes and smooth ride we’ve all come to expect on a quality elevator ride?

Just activate and enjoy!

demo – at the bottom of the page select ‘Back to Top’ link.

Customize Elevator
You can also customize the appearance of Elevator with CSS. Need help? See the Elevator Style Guide.

Elevator.js created by Tim Holman.
Audio (sourced from BenSound) is Creative Commons.
Plugin Repo Banner Image, Background (sourced from Luigi Anzivino) is Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.


  1. Install Elevator either through your WordPress Plugins screen or by uploading the files to your server.
  2. Activate Elevator.
  3. Enjoy the elevator ride!


No ‘Back to Top’ Button

Elevator uses the wp_footer(); tag to hook into. If your theme doesn’t include this tag somewhere (it’s most commonly found in the footer.php template file, just before the closing tag), then Elevator can’t work it’s magic. Check your theme first if Elevator’s ‘Back to Top’ button isn’t appearing on the page after you’ve activated the plugin.

Audio not playing

Some browsers now mute all sounds by default. You may need to adjust your browser’s settings to allow the audio to play, or take another action on the page first before using the Back to Top link.

As of 2020, this will most often affect visitors using Firefox (all platforms) and Chrome (Android being most common). You should still expect the scroll to top functionality to work even in the absence of sound.

I’m working on a solution to this issue in a future update.

‘Back to Top’ Button Not Working

If your ‘Back to Top’ button is loading, but the Elevator seems to be broken and stuck in the basement, check for JavaScript errors in your browser’s console. You can use Google Chrome’s Dev Tools for this. If you’re unfamiliar with checking for JavaScript errors in your browser, I suggest you check out Julie Pagano’s JavaScript Debugging for Beginners article.

If your site is generating a JavaScript error, it’s possible for it to conflict with Elevator and I suggest you resolve the JavaScript error before proceeding with any other troubleshooting.


2016 年 9 月 3 日
This plugin really looks great as it brings a new approach to the back to top feature. It gives a unique back to top user experience that your visitors will surely be delighted. However, this plugin doesn’t seems to be working pretty well on android phones. It works great on desktop but upon using an android phone, the sound ‘Ting’ seems to be missing.


「Elevator」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。






  • Version bump, compatible with WordPress 6.0.1

  • Version bump, compatible with WordPress 4.8.1

  • Version bump, compatible with WordPress 4.5

  • Version bump, compatible with WordPress 4.4


  • Fix elevator-music.ogg audio issue at start


  • Replace .MP3 files with .OGG to resolve occasional issue of music not playing in Chrome and Chromium browsers.


  • Fix version number for dependencies


  • Version bump, compatible with WordPress 4.3


  • Remove curly quotes in FAQ


  • Initial Release