该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Event Organiser Posterboard


Further documentation can be found at http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/shortcodes/posterboard/.

Basic Usage

To display the event posterboard simply use the shortcode [event_board] on any page or post. Full width pages work best.

Advanced Usage

The shortcode supports the same arguments as the events list shortcode. This
includes the ability to display only a particular category, or events satisfying a certain query.

For example, to show events only for category “foobar”:

 [event_board event_category="foobar"]

To show events starting in the comming 7 days

 [event_board event_category="foobar"]

Most arguments supported by the [eo_events] (see documentation) shortcode will also work with
posterboard. Please note that posts_per_page should be used instead of
numberposts and the no_events attributes is not supported.

E.g. to show events which start this week (week starting Monday), three at a time:

 [event_board event_start_after="monday this week" event_start_before="sunday this week" posts_per_page=3]


You can add filters at the top of the event board to filter the events. Supported filters include:

For example

 [event_board filters="state"]

You can display multiple filters by listing them as a comma delimited list

 [event_board event_start_after="now" event_start_before="+1 week"]

You can edit the template used for the event board. See the FAQ.


  • Event posterboard
  • Event posterboard


Installation and set-up is standard and straight forward.

  1. Upload event-organiser-event-board folder (and all it’s contents!) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Add the shortcode to a page.


Can I change the content of the event boxes?

Yes. By default the plug-in uses the template found in event-organiser-event-board/templates.
Simply copy that template (single-event-board-item.html) into your theme and edit it there. Please note
that the template uses underscore.js templating.

Can I disable/change the styling?

Yes, the following code in a plug-in/theme can disable (deregister) the stylesheet, and (optionally) register a replacement:

function my_custom_posterboard_styles(){
    //Deregister default styles
    wp_deregister_style( 'eo_posterboard' );

    //Optional, register "event-board.css" from your theme directory.
    wp_register_style( 'eo_posterboard', get_template_directory_uri() . '/event-board.css', array() );
add_action( 'init', 'my_custom_posterboard_styles', 999 );

Alternatively you can use the setting in Settings > Event Organiser > General to disable all Event Organiser’s stylesheets. This may affect the
performance of some features if you do not provide your own styling in your theme.


2019 年 12 月 13 日
Update: Rethinking this. Two stars is too harsh. The plugin really does work well, and is a nice addition to the Event Organiser ecosystem. I really wish that we didn’t have to repeatedly deal with security warnings from its age! Generally works well, and is quite simple to use. Easily customized with CSS. But there have been no updates for three years, so every security scan we run tags it as a potential problem. And according to the wordpress.org plugin page, isn’t compatible with the 4.7 branch of WordPress, including 5.x and later. I’ll happily change to 5 stars if it starts getting an update at least every two years, and has its WordPress compatibility updated.
2016 年 10 月 20 日
I like the plugin and it’s working well, but the #link below is not working. How can I remove this # link?
2016 年 9 月 3 日
Hello! I’ve tried at least 10 event manager ou calendar and this baby is the easyest to use. It would be nice to be able to add custom fields in the event details. Also, if there was a way to desable the time of the event to only have de date. I found difficult to display the time of recurring events as it only showed the starting time…


「Event Organiser Posterboard」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「Event Organiser Posterboard」插件已被翻译至 3 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。

帮助将「Event Organiser Posterboard」翻译成简体中文。




3.0.1 – 13th September 2016

  • Fixed a bug where the ‘Loading…’ text did not revert to ‘Load more’

3.0.0 – 9th September 2016

For details on breaking changes and how to restore previous behaviour please see: http://wp-event-organiser.com/blog/announcements/event-organiser-posterboard-3-0-0/
* Breaking change: Filter behaviour is now reversed
* Breaking change: Mark-up has changed, multiple posterboards on one page is now supported

2.1.0 – 18th July 2016

  • Added support for translations
  • Added filter for the posterboard query and added context attribute
  • The featured image now links to the event
  • Added French translation

2.0.1 – 6th April 2015

  • Fixed bug with posts_per_page attribute


  • Breaking change (for those using customised templates): <%= event_content %> now displays the event
    content not excerpt. Use <%= event_excerpt %> instead.
  • Fixes grid not refreshed after images loaded (can cause board items to overlap).
  • Fixes suppress_filters not set to false in query.


  • Supports query arguments. E.g. [event_board event_start_after=”now” event_start_before=”+1 week”]. See readme for details.
  • Allows stylesheet to be replaced/disabled (see FAQ)
  • Disables stylesheet if this option is set in Settings > Event Organiser > General


  • Fixes bug on some installs where the “load more” bar does not appear.
  • Fixes rogue “dot” appearing
  • Added Hungarian translation (thanks to Daniel Kocsis).


  • Renamed classes to use eo-pb- prefix.
  • Fixed bug where draft events appeared on the board.
  • Fixed bug where ‘load more’ would appear when there were fewer than 10 events.
  • Corrected documentation in readme


Initial release