该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Ezi GDPR EU Visitor Blocker


  • Block EU website visitors automatically
  • Reduce your European Union GDPR risk exposure
  • Allow blocked users to submit Data Rights Requests (important, as you may already have captured data)
  • Block traffic before loading Anlytics and other tags (important, as capturing IP in analytics counts as personal data)
  • No personal data is stored for EU visitors – not even IP
  • Analytics to show how many visitors have been blocked
  • Optionally allow users to declare they’re not in the EU (minimising automated decisiion making compliance issues)
  • Free for up to 25,000 monthly page views

How does it work?

When a user visits a page on your website, a JavaScript tag is loaded from our high speed web servers.
This JavaScript content returned is customised to your website based on your website code and visitor location (which is why it’s loaded remotely).

When loading the script, we determine the location (country) of the visitor, and return a customised piece of JavaScript code based on this.
* If a user is requesting the page from within the EU, our code will redircet them to our hosted, customisable block page. We host this page for you and don’t log EU IP addresses, making your compliance easier.
* If a user is outside of the EU, we simply log the visit and allow them to continue.

Our servers are customised to serve your bespoke content at high speed, and without logging EU visitor IP addresses or other personal data.

Is it GDPR compliant to block EU traffic?

We believe that there are pros and cons to the approach as we’ve written about in detail in our blog article on the subject. Ultimately the decision is yours, and you should seek the advice of a legal professional if you’re not sure.


  • An example of the page a blocked user will receive. The colours, logo and text on this page are customisable.
  • The easy to use WordPress settings screen for entering your unique website code (which we provide you with).


  1. Upload ezigdpr-eu-blocker.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings > EziGDPR and enter your website code, taken from your EziGDPR account. Instructions for locating your website code are provided in the settings page.


What do I need to get started?

You need an active EziGDPR account (free for websites under 25,000 monthly page views) with a website added to it. You then just need to unique website code provided.

How much does it cost?

EziGDPR’s EU Visitor Blocker is free for websites that serve less than 25,000 page views per month (which is most websites). Beyond that amount, we offer a range of very cost-effective plans. Visit https://www.ezigdpr.com/pricing/eu-visitor-blocker for more information.




「Ezi GDPR EU Visitor Blocker」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




  • First release of the plugin to integrate EziGDPR EU Visitor Blocker tags with WordPress installations.