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Filter Post Types by Taxonomy


Did you ever wanted to filter posts by a taxonomy (e.g. Category, Tag) on your admin screen and you had no option to do so? Fear not, here is a plugin that can help you out!

You’ll have a nice select box that allows you to filter posts by any taxonomy term you want.

It works for any post type that have a defined taxonomy; it doesn’t matter if is a built in post type (post, page) or a custom post type.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Unzip the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


A note about performance

Because the plugin loads all available terms, you may see a performance impact if you have tons of used terms (e.g. tags).

Right now there is no caching involved, but I’m planning to add it if is requested.


2016 年 9 月 3 日
I tried out this plugin but ultimately moved on to another solution for a few reasons: 1) No filters appeared at all on the posts list screen. 2) The filter worked well on the page list screen, but all taxonomies are listed in the same filter. I have two issues with this setup: A) You can only filter by one taxonomy at a time. You can already do this from the taxonomy list screens, so other than the convenience of not needing to navigate to another screen, the filter added by this plugin doesn’t add much in the way of functionality… For me, at least, filters are most useful when they can work together. B) If you have a lot of taxonomies and/or terms per taxonomy, scrolling down the select list can become annoying pretty fast. Multiple filters limit the length of the select list. 3) There are no settings for the plugin, so it’s all or nothing. Allowing users to choose which taxonomy filters to enable per post type would also limit the length of the select list, and remove distracting clutter.


「Filter Post Types by Taxonomy」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




  • Initial Version