该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Find A Covid Test & Vaccine Center


This official plugin is a service of CovidTestingCenters.com. With Find A Covid Test Center you can easily add testing and vaccine search into your website. Just add any of the shortcodes and it will display a search bar for users to enter their location and find a test center near them!

We have 3 types of shortcodes you can display on your site. Choose which shortcode type is best fit for your website.

  1. You can display a Live Search Box, that enables your users to search nativity on your site. There is also our Search Box option that allows you to display a search for for your users.

  2. Static Search Box allows you to display a search box where the users can enter their location, and be directed to Covid Testing centers near them.

  3. Lastly, our Search Button. When you add our search button to your site. It will send users who click on it to CovidTestingCenters.com where they will be prompted to enter their location.


With this plugin you use a shortcode to connect your users to a database of Covid Testing Centers, users can enter their City and State or Zip Code.

Live Covid Testing Search:


Search Bar No Border:

Search Bar With Link:

Display Search Bar Only:

Display Search Button:

Display Search Button Without Link:

This is a service of CovidTestingCenters.com

External Services

This service links to CovidTestingCenters.com. Please familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policy and the Disclaimer as this plugin links to our website.

This plugin was developed by and connects to CovidTestingCenters.com. The only information that is passed from this website to CovidTestingCenters.com, is City, State or Zip Code the user enters to find a testing location.

We do NOT collect any personally identifiable information, we also do NOT collect or store any medical information.

Pricacy Policy| Disclaimer | CovidTestingCenters.com


  • This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif).
  • This is the second screen shot


  1. Upload find-a-covid-test-center.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place the shortcode [ctc_search] or any of the other shortcodes on your pages where you want to display a search form or button.


How do I display live search?

If you want to display the live search, for your users to get locations naively on your site. Enter the shortcode [ctc_live_search].

How do I display Static Search Box?

Static seach boxes allow users to enter their City, State or ZIp code and be redirect to Covid Testing Locations near them. We have a few option for Static short codes. You can try any of the following.

[ctc_search] ,

Search Bar No Border:
[ctc_search_nb] ,

Search Bar With Link:
[ctc_search_wl] ,

Display Search Bar Only:
[ctc_search_bar_only] .

How do I add a search button?

When you display a search button it will direct the user to CovidTestingCenters.com, and they will be promopeted to enter their City, State or Zip Code. To display live search use any of the follow shortcodes. Display Search Button:
[ctc_search_button] ,

Display Search Button Without Link:
[ctc_search_button_nl] .


2020 年 11 月 26 日
We got this plugin to help our users find testing centers, it’s worked well for us. I would like to see more color and design options, but thats just me.


「Find A Covid Test & Vaccine Center」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。



V 1.0.2 Initial Release