Flamix: Bitrix24 and WooCommerce Products Sync


Full exchange of products between Bitrix24 CRM and the WooCommerce eStore.

The exchange is divided into 3 parts: the exchange of a catalog with a product (catalog structure, product properties, product), price exchange and exchange of goods in warehouses.

Philosophy of work: creating and administering goods on the site, warehouse accounting and order management in the CRM.

The plugin uses the CommerceML 2.0 protocol and can be modified (Contact us if you need modifications).

👍 Plugin benefits:

  • Regular rests exchange;
  • Synchronization of the product catalog structure;
  • Synchronization of product properties;
  • Synchronization of product images;
  • Synchronization of product price;
  • Multiple site connection;
  • Personal plugin improvements and customization;
  • Tested on 15 000 products.

Try it for free!


  1. Install Bitrix24 plugin to your Bitrix24 portal – https://flamix.solutions/bitrix24/warehouse/sync_products.php
  2. Copy Secret API Integration Key
  3. Install “Flamix: Bitrix24 and WooCommerce Products Sync”
  4. Insert your Bitrix24 portal domain and Secret API Integration Key
  5. Start the exchange of the products in manual mode or request the setting of automatic regular exchange.




「Flamix: Bitrix24 and WooCommerce Products Sync」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


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