插件 “Flexible Elementor Panel” 使 Elementor 编辑器面板更灵活、可拖动、可调整大小、可折叠和更多空间进行创作。
- 可拖动的 Elementor 面板并保存位置
- 移至右侧并切换到RTL模式
- 垂直可折叠 Elementor 面板
- 调整 Elementor 面板的大小并保存大小
- Elementor 编辑器的多个深色皮肤
- 可折叠所有小工具类别
- 可排序的小部件类别并保存位置
- 在编辑器面板页脚中添加退出按钮
- 关闭手风琴小部件中第一个选项卡的选项
- 为响应模式添加更多选项
- 转到插件 -> 新增
- 搜索 “Flexible Elementor Panel”
- 单击 “安装”
- 点击 “激活”
- 将文件夹 “/flexible-elementor-panel/”上传到 “/wp-content/plugins/” 目录中
- 通过WordPress中的 Plugins 标签激活插件
您可以在设置FEP侧面编辑 Elementor 和 FEP 管理设置中重置位置/大小。
2023 年 4 月 24 日
2 回复
Ten stars.
Very useful, elegant, nice…
Thanks for this wonderful plugin!
2023 年 4 月 10 日
Needs to be in every Elementor install, can not imagine working without it, that extra real estate is much needed!
2023 年 3 月 24 日
1 回复
This should be integrated natively into ELEMENTOR builder !!!! It’s really a game changer… without this plugin ELEMENTOR’s panels are an huge mess !!! It works perfectly… THANK YOU SO MUCH for this FUNDAMENTAL and AWESOME plugin !!!
2023 年 3 月 3 日
2022 年 12 月 2 日
Very useful for productivity
2022 年 9 月 25 日
Ótimo editor.
- Add: Compatibility with WordPress 6.7
- Add: Compatibility tag with Elementor 3.24.7
- Add: Compatibility tag with Elementor Pro 3.24.4
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Add: Compatibility with WordPress 6.5
- Add: Compatibility tag with Elementor 3.20
- Add: Compatibility tag with Elementor Pro 3.20
- Fix: Issue with the collapse vertical function
- Improve : Add icon collapse vertical after “notes” to the new Editor powered by React
- Improve : Add icon reset panel after “notes” to the new Editor powered by React
- Improve: Add nonce key for security when close the notice in admin area (thanks @Maxcom)
- Fix: Close first tab option of accordion is now working again in frontend (thanks @kv1953 / @medieskolen)
- Note: The update of FEP is back, sorry communauty for the delay
- Add: Compatibility with WordPress 6.0+
- Add: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7+ and Elementor Pro
- Add: Compatibility FEP Options Responsive with the news breakpoints (thanks @momo-fr)
- Improve: The right click for collapse categories only work on title cats
- Improve: CSS on categories / elements grid
- Add: Compatibility with Elementor 3.4+ and Elementor Pro
- Add: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8
- Fix: Replace all icon font awesome per native icon elementor (eicon)
- Improve: The Navigator when fixed to the right side
- Fix: Issues with draggle panel in rtl mode (thanks @ariya76)
- Improve: Notice admin message better display and dismissible
- Add: Option “Force RTL Mode” when the editor is on the right side (actived by default)
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- 修复:CSS问题(感谢@liyulin)
- 改进:将文本域“fep”改为“flexible elementor panel”(感谢@liyulin)
- 本地化:与翻译WordPress兼容 – https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/flexible-elementor-panel/
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- 添加:与Elementor 3.2+(3.2.0-beta1)的兼容性
- 改进:使编辑器面板位于响应栏的上方(elementor 3.2)
- 改进:性能加载JS,任何FEP JavaScript都会在完全加载后加载后加载
- 修复:注意fep_frontend_accordion_close空字符串
- 修复:css z-index的问题 @thanks community
- 注意:使用来自Elementor 3.2的新设计响应模式,当单击箭头以折叠编辑器面板时,面板将在灰栏下方,单击其返回显示屏。
- 热修复:删除对elementor编辑器脚本fep的依赖性
- 添加:与WordPress 5.7+的兼容性
- 添加:与Elementor 3.2+(3.2.0-dev8)的兼容性
- 修复:编辑css-flex-grid的兼容性(感谢@momo-fr)
- 改进:将“最小编辑器”面板“最小宽度280px”更改为300px
- 添加:关闭前端的第一个选项卡手风琴选项
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Localization: Update French language
- 修复:使用加载保存FEP设置的问题
- 改进:使用正确的操作添加控制FEP(感谢@Pixify)
- Localization: Update French language
- Add: Compatibility with Elementor 3.0+
- Add: Minimum version Elementor 2.8.0 required
- Improve: The “Settings FEP” is move into “User Preferences” in the editor
- 改进:设置FEP的选项现在与您的用户帐户相关联(大小/位置除外)
- 完善:管理员设置中的文本fep(感谢@dirk)
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Localization: Update French language
- 热修复:删除已弃用的管理器::add_settings_manager();
- 正在处理添加设置FEP的问题
- Add: Compatibility any plugins with use the namespace php for admin
- Add: Ask confirmation before execute action in debug setting admin
- Add: Link settings into the list plugin
- Improve: Set the public/private in Class php
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Localization: Update French language
- Fix: All options working again (thanks @community)
- Fix: Css responsive mode
- Improve: The “Debug” tab in FEP admin settings
- Improve: The “How to configure” tab in FEP admin settings
- Improve: The “Informations” tab in FEP admin settings
- Improve: Updated the gif in plugin repository
- Fix: Text in Changelog
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Localization: Update French language
- Add: Debug tab in FEP admin settings
- Add: Reset options FEP Database
- Add: Check options FEP SQL / LocalStorage
- Remove: PHP Filter admin settings FEP
- Remove: Divers tab in FEP admin settings
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Localization: Update French language
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Localization: Update French language
- Add: New option “Alternative Responsive Indicator” by @Nicholas
- Improve: Clean and more comments code by @Nicholas
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Localization: Update French language
- Add: Compatibility with Elementor 2.9.0
- Fix: Css label option FEP
- Add: Compatibility with rtl mode
- Add: News options for responsive mode (thanks @Nicholas)
- Add: Option for display the reset panel icon
- Add: Option for display the vertical collapse icon
- Add: Option for display the exit icon
- Improve: Clean the FEP settings in panel
- Improve: Elementor Panel can be fixed to right side
- Improve: First tab closed when accordion widget is added
- Fix: Button reset panel in editor mode
- Remove: CMD + P when the vertical panel is reduced
- Note: Light skin change name for Default
- Note: All FEP options is enable by default
- Note: FEP come on Github https://github.com/WebMatPro/flexible-elementor-panel
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Localization: Update French language
- Fix: Use static function of activation fep
- Improve: Add compatibility with WordPress 5.3
- Fix: First tab on all accordion widget is now correctly closed (only in editor)
- Improve: Remove useless script loaded on front end for close the first tab accordion
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Fix: Use correct link option in admin notice when first actived plugin
- Fix: Hidden elements when preview mode is enable working now (thanks to @nickdgreen)
- Improve: Better compatibility with Elementor shortcut (ctrl/cmd + p)
- Fix: Reset option exit point (by default “Edition”)
- Fix: Compatibility with Elementor shortcut (ctrl/cmd + p)
- Fix: Notice PHP (thanks to @krut1 and every user)
- Fix: Some CSS
- Fix: Exit point list post type
- Fix: Freezing (thanks to @kompundi for report)
- Fix: Clean pointer event when reset panel is used
- Add: Link to admin settings in plugin list
- Improve: Full compatibility with Elementor 2.6+
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Add: Reset button position/size Panel in header panel & setting fep (admin & editor)
- Improve: Clean and reorder settings FEP (admin)
- Improve: Handle draggable panel
- Fix: Position panel when use vertical collapse
- Fix: Some css in Dark skin
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Note: Thanks everybody for your participation have report the bugs <3
- Mistake upload
- Add: Settings page FEP in Admin
- Add: Information page in Admin
- Add: Preview mode actived when vertical collapse is used
- Improve: Fully compatible with Elementor 2.5+
- Improve: Minimum size panel (280×360)
- Improve: Remove transition panel for more speed
- Improve: Better button exit and vertical collapse
- Improve: Clean code of JavaScript file
- Fix: back to function first accordion closed (sorry)
- Fix: Some css for dark skin
- Tweak: Clean assets /images/
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Add: Banner for future pro version in setting
- Fix: Correct writing changelog
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Improve: Better compatibility with Elementor 2.4+
- Improve: Better performance and security with cleaning plugin
- Fix: Check and correct CSS for night mode
- Tweak: Requires PHP 5.6 and Elementor 2.4 to minimum
- 本地化:更新POT/PO语言
- Fix: Display button exit
- Fix: Full compatibility with Elementor 2.4.0
- Add: New option for disable the right click for minimize all categories
- Add: New description for the option draggle panel
- Add: New color pink for the dark skin panel
- Fix: Performance improvements and fix minor bugs
- Fix: Update translation
- Improve: Clean code of javascript file
- Improve: Clean code of css files
- Improve: Full compatibility with Elementor 2.3.1
- Add: Translation French ready by a native French
- Add: Now the enqueues files will use the version of plugin
- Add: New exit point option “Front page”
- Add: Re-order all category widget’s and save position
- Add: Save Elementor panel position and size when panel is draggable
- Fix: Text domain, now is ‘fep’ and update pot
- Fix: Collapse all categories with right click
- Fix: Performance improvements and fix minor bugs
- Improve: Clean code of JavaScript file
- Improve: Full compatibility with Elementor 2.3.0
- Fix: Compatibility with Elementor 2.1
- Add: Minimized UX
- Add: Exit point to Elementor library
- Fix: Small bugs
- Add: Plugin settings in editor
- Fix: Fix bug with Theme Builder
- New: Button for collapsible Elementor Panel in header
- New: Toggle button for collapsible all widgets
- Add: Remove overlay on content when Elementor Panel position is left:0 and top: 0
- Add: New logical function
- Fix: Small bugs
- Fix: Bug with ‘Dynamic Content’
- Add: Sortable and collapsible widgets category in Elementor Panel
- Add: Night/Day skin switcher for Elementor Panel
- Add: Remember your last selected skin
- More compatibility with Elementor 2.0
- Add: ‘Exit to Dashboard’ button in Elementor Panel footer
- Fix: change stylesheet in custom CSS editor
- New: Added resizable function
- New: Added night skin for Elementor Panel
- Fix: small bugs
- Initial release.