该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget


Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget adds additional functionality to the Genesis Featured Posts Widget.  Specifically it:

  • Supports Custom Post Types
  • Supports Custom Taxonomies
  • Exclude Term by ID field
  • Supports Pagination
  • Supports Meta Key Values
  • Supports Sorting by Meta Key
  • Multiple Hooks and Filters for adding additional content

New features include:

  • More filters/actions
  • Everything in a single class
  • Addition of column classes (including option for fifths class) & custom classes
  • WP_Query optimization for speed including site transients and term cache updating
  • Pushed everything to a framework approach so it can all be removed easily
  • HTML5 & Genesis 2.0 updated
  • Excerpt length & cutoffs options added
  • White labeled naming option
  • Added remove displayed posts option (won’t display a post that already exists on the page)


Issues and development will be maintained in the Github repo: https://github.com/wpsmith/genesis-sandbox-featured-content-widget

Special Thanks

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the folks at StudioPress & Gary Jones, their themes make my life easier.


Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.

  1. Upload the entire `genesis-sandbox-featured-content-widget` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go Widget Screen
  4. Drag Widget to desired sidebar
  5. Fill in widget settings


Installation Instructions

Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.

  1. Upload the entire `genesis-sandbox-featured-content-widget` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go Widget Screen
  4. Drag Widget to desired sidebar
  5. Fill in widget settings
Why a new version of GFWA?

Well, I bother Nick all the time to change things. He’s busy. I’m busy. So, instead of hassling with the plugin, convincing Nick or whomever, I decided it was time just to create my own.

What Hooks are available?
  1. gsfc_before_loop – before the query is formulated
  2. gsfc_before_post_content – before the content
  3. gsfc_post_content – standard content output
  4. gsfc_after_post_content – after content
  5. gsfc_endwhile – after the endwhile but before the endif
  6. gsfc_after_loop – after the loop endif
  7. gsfc_after_loop_reset – after the loop reset
  8. gsfc_before_list_items – before additional list item loop
  9. gsfc_list_items – within additional list item loop
  10. gsfc_after_list_items – after the additional list item loop, where list items are output
  11. gsfc_category_more – within the archive more link conditional block
  12. gsfc_taxonomy_more (alias of gsfc_category_more) – within the archive more link conditional block
  13. gsfc_[TAXONOMY]_more (alias of gsfc_category_more) – within the archive more link conditional block
  14. gsfc_after_category_more – after the archive more conditional block
  15. gsfc_after_taxonomy_more (alias of gsfc_after_category_more) – after the archive more conditional block
  16. gsfc_after_[TAXONOMY]_more (alias of gsfc_after_category_more) – after the archive more conditional block
  17. gsfc_show_content – create your own custom content block
  18. gsfc_debug – debug filter, deletes all transients.
What Filters are available?
  1. gsfc_widget_name – replace ‘Genesis Sandbox’ by returning a string with a new prefix name
  2. gsfc_query_args – filter the main query args
  3. gsfc_exclude_post_types – used to prevent post types from appearing in the post type list in the widget form
  4. gsfc_exclude_taxonomies – used to prevent taxonomies and related terms from appearing in the terms and taxonomies list in the widget form
  5. gsfc_extra_post_args – extra post args for the extra posts list
  6. gsfc_list_items – HTML markup for the list items
  7. gsfc_form_fields – Add custom fields to widget form


2016 年 9 月 3 日
LOVE this plugin. It gives you so much flexibility for creating custom feeds on your genesis site!
2016 年 9 月 3 日
Thank you very much for your efforts to develop this plugin, what I was looking for. Congratulations !!! 🙂


「Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。



1.2.5 (11/22/2017)
* Fixed disabled checkboxes. Props mbootsman

1.1.8 (07/18/2014)
* Fixed post_info/post_meta issue #26, props BenFurfie.
* Fixed link_title_field issue, #27.
* Fixed conflict with Premise, which is their fault really, #18.
* Fix More from Category Custom Link, #24, #19.

1.1.7 (07/18/2014)
* Fixed include/exclude issue. #28

1.1.6 (07/18/2014)
* Fixed meta_value_numeric to show meta_key input. TY @4WardMotion.
* Fixed image link issue, #22.

1.1.2 (01/12/2013)
* Fixed column classes to ensure they over-ride child theme settings if selected.

1.1.1 (01/12/2013)
* Updated action/filters for consistency. DO NOT upgrade if you have used these hooks/filters without comparing.

1.1.0 (01/12/2013)
* First WordPress Repo Release

1.0.0 (09/04/2013)
* First Public Release