Interactive Map of Europe


Interactive map of Europe WordPress plugin with clickable countries. Edit colors, link, etc for each country through an easy to use dashboard with a Visual Editor.


  • Does NOT require ANY coding knowledge.
  • EASY to use dashboard.
  • Bulk Edit option.
  • Works on desktop and mobile devices.

You may be interested in the Premium Interactive Map of Europe which has more options.

Other interesting maps: World, Germany, Italy, Spain, US, All Maps.


  • Admin panel interface of the interactive map of Europe


  1. Install and activate the plugin .zip file through your WordPress ‘Plugins’ screen directly.
  2. Now, you will see a new menu button in the left side bar called ‘Europe Map ORG’, click it and customize your map then save the changes.
  3. Use this shortcode [eu_map_org] to display the map in any page or post.


Can I set a country as inactive?

Yes, simply uncheck the (active) checkbox beside that country to make it inactive. Also you can give it some grey color.

Can I use the shortcode in different pages?

Yes, you can use the shortcode in different pages to display the same map.

Can I create another map with different colors and links?

No, but the Premium Interactive Map of Europe comes with 3 installable instances of the plugin.

Does the map have a hover popup?

No, but the Premium Interactive Map of Europe has that option. It also has an option to open a modal window incase you want to add more information about the countries.




「Interactive Map of Europe」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




  • Initial release.


  • Rebuit the map with new features using the latest secure script.