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Media Recode Modules


This plugin adds additional modules and enhancements to Beaver Builder that allows you to create multimarker Google Maps and to add shortcodes before and after a row to enable easy content restriction by membership status using any add on that supplies the relevant shortcodes. You can create multimarker maps by giving it any post type that has a location field that returns an array of (lat,lng) or just a string of ‘lat,lng’. It also provides an option to use custom icons for the posts based on their category and to filter the map based on those categories and includes an optional radius around the marker that can be set on a default and a post by post basis.

-Places a marker for every post of a given post type (great for event locations or a business directory)
-Add a custom field to your categories for an icon and the module will use that instead for map markers
-Easily filter the map by category
-Add a radius to all markers or on a marker by marker basis
-Place a shortcode before and after a row for easy content restriction based on membership, works with any membership plugin that provides shortcodes
-All shortcodes that have a beginning and ending shortcode can be used, including Themer shortcodes


Ensure you have Beaver Builder installed
Upload the plugin in WP-Admin or search for it in the WordPress Repository
Activate it
Add it to pages like you would any other Beaver Builder module


Installation Instructions

Ensure you have Beaver Builder installed
Upload the plugin in WP-Admin or search for it in the WordPress Repository
Activate it
Add it to pages like you would any other Beaver Builder module


2018 年 8 月 7 日
This is the only multi marker module for Beaver Builder that I know of and it does a lot of the functionality that would otherwise require facetwp. The developer is very responsive and keen to add functionality. I’m already impressed with what is possible now and excited to see what he will do with it in future. Thanks, Mark
2017 年 12 月 6 日
Nicely done and great for all the options where the date comes from lat/long string or array!


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