该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Memoria Ticket System


A simple ticket system but with many functionalities. It can be used for handling supports or bug/issue reportings. Each ticket can be assigned to an approver who will receive an email notifications when the issuer has replied. Each ticket and each comment can be rated; ‘very good’, ‘Ok’, ‘Not so good’.
In the settings area it is possible to add categories and departments and to modify the email notification and change the style sheet. For preventing spammers it is also possible to activate reCaptcha from the settings.

Contact Vatan for more information.
Webpage www.memoria.se.


  • Default form for creating a ticket. Style sheet can easily be modified from the settings.
  • Default view of a ticket. Style sheet can easily be modified from the settings.
  • Default form for creating a ticket. Style sheet can easily be modified from the settings.
  • Default form for creating a ticket. Style sheet can easily be modified from the settings.
  • Default view of a ticket. Style sheet can easily be modified from the settings.
  • Settings page.


  1. Upload the “memoria-ticket-system” folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place this code in any page:
  4. Visit the memoria ticket menu for managing tickets and changing settings.
  5. Please consider a donation and/or activate the ‘created by’ link in the settings if you find this plugin useful!


Please direct any questions you might have to the support forum. I will be happy to help resolve any issue you might have.




「Memoria Ticket System」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




Fixed a bug that includes the style sheet on the tickets as well and not only on the ticket form.


Bug fixes.


Bug fixes.


  • A new great plugin.