The Metadata Viewer plugin displays post, user (ie. posts, pages, and custom post types, user, WooCommerce products & orders) meta keys and their values at the bottom of the post & user editing page. There is also integrated realtime search feature.
Just install a single plugin to solve multiple purpose like to show posts, pages, custom post types & user meta.
- Posts Metadata Viewer
- Custom Post Types Metadata Viewer
- Pages Metadata Viewer
- Users Metadata Viewer
- WooCommerce Products Metadata Viewer
- WooCommerce Orders Metadata Viewer
Up-Comming Features
- Comment Metadata Viewer
- Term Metadata Viewer
Installing this plugin is very easy just like any other WordPress plugin. Please follow these instructions:
1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for “Metadata Viewer” and click on “Install Now”
2. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the metadata-viewer.zip to your plugins directory, which usually is /wp-content/plugins/.
3. Activate the plugin from plugins page.