该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Musopress Discography


Musopress Discography creates a Discography Custom Post Type to display and organize your albums on your site.

If you use Bandcamp, it lets you import your music through the click of a button. This way you can use Bandcamp’s awesom features and integrate them effortlessly with your site. Any changes you make can be easily updated by simply re-importing the album(s) in question.

An optional Artist taxonomy is included, useful for labels and artists with many bands/projects.

There’s also a widget to display your latest releases.


  • Discography Settings page
  • Bandcamp Import page
  • Discography index page
  • Single Album view


You can install it through the admin interface or manually:

  1. Upload musopress-discography folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Plugin Setup
1. Create a page and add the [discography] shortcode.
2. If you want to use the Artist taxonomy, create a copy of your current theme’s ‘archive.php’ file and rename it ‘taxonomy-artist.php’. Replace the title with * and the Loop with *.


I’m getting an error when trying to import from Bandcamp

This is usually because of a timeout issue. Try again later, or if you’re importing a lot of albums, try importing them in smaller batches.

I’m getting 404 errors on the album pages

Go to Setting->Permalinks and save.

I’m still getting 404 errors

This is most likely a conflict with a plugin or theme. Try switching to a different theme and re-saving the permalinks. If that doesn’t fix it, try going through each plugin, deactivating it, re-saving the permalinks, and seeing if that fixes it.


2024 年 8 月 12 日
Crash WP when activate it. Seems to be nice one, would be useful if is fixed and updated due plugins about Bandcamp are rare to find
2019 年 12 月 25 日
Although this is very old, there is no problem with it! 🙂


“Musopress Discography” 是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


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  • Now flushes rewrite rules on activation and deactivation to minimize permalink problem.
  • Disabled has_archive for the album post type to prevent conflicts with the discography slug.


  • Initial release.