
Plugin Directory

Bookings for WooCommerce – Booking, WooCommerce Bookings, Manage Bookings, Booking Calendar, Schedule Appointments

Bookings for WooCommerce – Booking, WooCommerce Bookings, Manage Bookings, Booking Calendar, Schedule Appointments



WooCommerce Bookings plugin is a powerful plugin that enables store owners to create an online appointment booking system that allows them to turn their products into online WooCommerce booking solutions and make them available to customers for a set period of time.

You can now simply book time slots utilizing the WordPress booking plugin, confirm/reject bookings, display reservation calendar listings, enable booking cancellations, promote booking availability, regulate booking duration, and much more using the WooCommerce Bookings plugin’s capabilities.

WordPress Booking plugin Demo | Documentation for booking for WooCommerce


1) Booking Spotlight
Enhance your customer’s online booking experience with this intuitive feature. Whenever a customer selects a particular date or slot for booking, it visually gets highlighted, making it easier for the customers to track their choices.

2) No Slots, No Selection
This smart feature of the WooCommerce bookings plugin automatically disables the date selection when all its slots are fully booked. This prevents customers from booking unavailable slots and makes their booking experience hassle-free.

3) Offer Bookings Availability Settings
With the Bookings for WooCommerce Plugin, admins can effortlessly manage availability and scheduling for WooCommerce appointments. They can set daily availability as well as specific booking deadlines, simply by adjusting Start and End times in the plugin’s Availability tab within settings. This flexibility allows for more than 10 slots based on individual needs. Marketers can leverage this feature to customize availability for particular days, weeks, or even months.

For instance, Marketers can set Mondays and Tuesdays as available until December.

4) Cost Concealment
The admins can utilize this feature to hide the base cost of the booking product from the customers.

5) Projected Availability Timeline
The admins can mention the availability window or set the day availability up to a particular date by using this feature.

6) Advanced Booking Filter
Admins can utilize the filter to filter out the bookings by choosing them as per their preference, these being On-hold, pending, processing, or completed. This further helps streamline the booking management process convenient for the websites.

7) Easily Access Booking Links
WordPress booking plugin now enables the admins to easily access the booking links from the calendar itself. All these links are clickable and it redirects the admins to the Order ID for that particular booking.

8) Prompt Pop-Up For Cancellation
Customers will be notified during the cancellation of a booking request if they still want to cancel the booking by utilizing the feature of the WooCommerce bookings plugin.

9) Toggle between Single Calendar & Dual Calendar
With WooCommerce calendar booking, the merchant gets a chance to toggle between Single or Dual Calendar based on the requirements of your organization.

If a merchant decides to go ahead with the Dual Calendar, he will be in a position to mention the dates of booking which are unavailable and the days which are unavailable on a weekly basis (weekly off). The users can choose “to” and “from” dates for WP booking.

But if a merchant decides to go ahead with the Single Calendar, he will be in a position to mention the dates of booking which are available. The customer can choose multiple dates

NOTE: If you have more unavailable dates, then you can go for the dual calendar, but if you have more available, you can go for the single calendar.

10) Enable WordPress Bookings
Using the WordPress Bookings plugin General Settings tab toggle button functionality, admin managers can simply enable/disable the plugin as well as the plugin’s Woo bookings feature.

11) Flexible WooCommerce Bookings
With the booking and appointment plugin for WooCommerce, customers can tailor their WP booking criteria to their specific booking unit (hour, day, and minutes), budget, event, and requirements. You can make reservations without bothering to place a call, thus you can do so from the comfort of your home following easy booking management.

12) WordPress Bookings Confirmations & Cancellation Offered
With the WooCommerce appointments plugin, Admin managers can easily offer confirmations for booking requests made by customers, as well as easy booking cancellations, by utilizing the plugin’s capabilities.

13) Booking Listing and Sorting by Tag
All requested WooCommerce booking plugin-based orders made by the customers are to be listed in the WooCommerce Order Listing table. Admin managers can conveniently sort the booking out of the orders using the Bookings tag available there.

14) Disable the Book Now Button
The booking & appointment plugin for WooCommerce comes equipped with a useful feature that allows you to disable the “Book Now” button in the event that the form is empty. Additionally, this feature can also be configured to disable the “Book Now” button until dates have been selected on the WooCommerce calendar.

By utilizing this feature, you can ensure that your customers are only able to submit complete and accurate booking requests, leading to a more efficient and streamlined booking process.

15) Add your Bookings to Google Calendar
With the click of a button, you can now instantly add your WP Booking requests utilizing our plugin-based setting option to your Google Calendar.
Isn’t this a WOW feature? It goes without saying that this enables you to take pleasure in your reservations while also keeping you informed of their status and serving as a virtual reminder of them.

16) Ease of Structuring WooCommerce Calendar Booking
The WooCommerce bookings plugin, allows merchants to build and analyze how their day or month is progressing. They can also make changes to current bookings or availability according to that.

17) Offered Services & Additional Costs
With the WooCommerce appointments plugin, admin managers can easily create WooCommerce booking services and additional costs using the backend settings, and also can easily display them over the checkout page as well as over the individual bookable resource page.

18) Responsive Interface
WordPress Online Booking provides an online mobile-friendly WooCommerce easy free online booking system, i.e. a responsive UI that works on a variety of devices. In short, they offer ease of access for their customers for online appointment booking products.

19) Easy Uptime Schedule Outlining
With the help of the WooCommerceBooking Calendar, retailers can easily create and monitor their monthly bookings. Customers can also use such information to find out the start and end times of your service and easily start booking an appointment for them. Yes, retailers may now quickly specify the start and end times of the service for each day on the WP booking calendar. Moreover, let your clients have timetables that are simple to learn.

20) Offer Bookings Availability Settings
Admin managers may easily specify booking and scheduling for WooCommerce-based availability for the day, as well as the exact deadline for booking an appointment with WooCommerce appointments. They only need to modify the Start and End times in the WooCommerce booking Availability tab of the plugin settings area to do so. The admins are free to add more than 10 slots based on their requirements.

You can also mark your bookings unavailability for a day or for an upcoming event or a holiday in advance using our exclusive one-day unavailability settings.

21) Dedicated My Bookings Tab
Yes, our plugin has a special My Bookings Tab for managing your booking requests easily. Your website’s My Account section contains a link to this tab. You can easily visit there and check the information for all of your upcoming reservations.

22) Avoid Unwanted Bookings
Prior to a day, admin managers can easily determine the maximum amount of WooCommerce appointments that can be made. So that they may provide easy booking management for their items, avoid unnecessary bookings, and easily indicate unavailability with the WordPress booking plugin.


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  • With WooCommerce Booking you can Easily define additional booking costs and services from the backend.
  • Unit, base(days/hours), and additional cost-based WooCommerce bookable products can be defined.
  • With WooCommerce Appointment Plugin you can easily define the maximum number of bookings per day with the HMS unit.
  • Provide an easy upcoming Woo booking list as well as set daily start/end times using the WooCommerce Bookings Calendar.
  • Can define WooCommerce bookings availability Start and End time for the day with ease with a free online booking system.



1. Color Codes to Display Availability:

As an admin, you can now allow your customers and visitors to view the availability and unavailability of given slots with the help of color codes in the date picker calendar with our WP booking plugin.

2. Export Booking Order by Booking Name

You can now effectively export your Woo bookings order data with ease just by referring to the name of that particular WooCommerce Appointment product.

3. Google Calendar Sync:
Admins can use this feature to sync the processed bookings to their Google Calendar.

4. Resource’s Daily Maximum Number of Bookings

This option allows you to set the maximum booking limit for a single day. You can specify the number as per your ease here and easily avoid getting overburdened for a day.

5. Day-Wise Slot Management
The admins can utilize this functionality to schedule different appointment slots every day.

6. Smart Pre-Booking Email/SMS Reminders

This reminder settings tab offers multiple setting options for setting up your booking email and SMS-based reminders,


The Online Reservation Plugin i.e. Bookings for WooCommerce turns your ordinary WooCommerce store into an effective booking plugin in WordPress solution provider. Making use of WooCommerce bookings plugin features, you can create an online appointment booking system that caters to all your customer’s requirements with ease.

Note: Get Bookings for WooCommerce Pro

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If you need support or have questions, kindly use our online chat window here or and discover all types of WooCommerce Extensions for your eCommerce store.

If our documentation doesn’t contain the solution to your problem, you can visit the WP Swings Forums Community or Generate a ticket

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Check out WooCommerce Bookings knowledge base


  • General Settings Tab
  • Configuration settings Tab (Bookings Form Settings)
  • Configuration settings Tab (Availability Settings)
  • Configuration settings Tab (Additional Cost Settings)
  • Configuration settings Tab (Additional Service Settings)
  • Booking Calendar Setting Tab
  • Product Data (general settings tab)
  • Product Data (Cost settings tab)
  • Product Data (People Type settings tab)
  • Product Data (Service settings tab)
  • Product Data (Availability settings tab)
  • My Booking Tab (My Account Section)
  • Add Booking to Google Calendar (My Account Tab)
  • Multi Calendar Booking (general settings tab)


Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of the plugin, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click Add New.

In the search field type “Bookings for WooCommerce” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our Bookings for WooCommerce plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly, of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”.

Manual installation

The manual installation method involves downloading our Bookings for WooCommerce and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.


Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case.


Do we have the possibility of creating any bookable service for hour based booking unit?

Yes, we have this functionality in our plugin. The admin can create a bookable service based on its hours. For that, just visit the Product Edit Page to do this. Select Hours when scheduling a booking unit.

Can the calendar for bookings display a booking time along with the booking date?

Yes, the admin must enable the date and time setting from the backend for this. To amend a bookable product, visit the Product Edit Page and Select days in the booking unit, and enable to show hours in the calendar.

How can the admins show Include Services in the booking form?

Navigate to the Admin Dashboard > Plugin Back End Settings > Booking Form Settings to see the Included Services on the front-end booking form. Then turn ON the Show Included Services toggle switch.

Is it possible to display the calendar on the front end for picking booking dates?

Yes, the Bookings plugin has such functionality that allows customers to select a booking date from a calendar. To do so, go to the Edit Product page > General Settings > Activate the Calendar.

Is it possible for the administrator to define the maximum and minimum number of persons who can place bookings?

Yes, the number of people for the bookings can be modified by the admin. Go to the Product Edit page > People > Enable the checkbox option for People > Opt on something like a Min and Max number of individuals.

How can Admin set the start time and end time of any booking?

Admin can easily specify the day’s booking availability as well as the specific booking deadline. To do so, they only need to adjust the Start and End times under the Availability tab of the plugin settings area.

Is there any option so that customers can cancel the booking from their side?

Yes, you can do so with our plugin. Navigate toward the General Settings section of the Edit Product page. Then, use the smart checkbox setting for the Cancellation Allowed option to set up the order cancellations allowed for their customer bookings.

How can we utilize the plugin to offer additional booking services for customers?

Yes, you can easily offer additional services to your booking solutions by utilizing the plugin’s features. To add additional services, simply go to Admin Dashboard > Products > Booking Services and add any additional booking service you wish.

And in order to include them within a booking service, just make use of the Booking Service widget on the sidebar of the specific booking product and include them.

Can the admin set the maximum booking per user?

Yes, the admin can set the maximum booking per user to achieve this Go to the Product edit page >> General settings>> Set maximum booking per user according to your need.

What is the appropriate way to add the booking product?

In order to create a bookable product for your bookings plugin, you need to first navigate towards your Admin Dashboard > Products > New Product > Select Data Type > Select Booking Product and perform the settings accordingly.

How many types of booking units are present in your plugin?

In our plugin, there are two types of booking units-

  • Fixed Unit
  • Customer Selected Unit


2024 年 12 月 17 日 1 回复
Absolutley Nightmare!!!This plugin hasn’t work from the moment i downloaded and activated it!Several things didn’t work from the very beginning and after 48 hrs experience with it i realized that the plugin hasn’t properly tested and they waiting when a client problem occur to developed.I requested a refund for the purchase within the 30 days withdraw because the product isn’t the same as advert but they wont release it without any reasonable justification!!!Stay away and avoid this company that to me, is very unprofessional and customer care absent!
2024 年 12 月 4 日 1 回复
I’m using the free version of the plugin, and I must say, the support provided by the WP Swings team is outstanding! Even as a free user, they were prompt, helpful, and resolved my queries efficiently. Their dedication to customer satisfaction is truly commendable. Highly recommend their products and services to everyone. Thank you Mayank for the excellent customer support!
2024 年 11 月 30 日 1 回复
does this plugin support displaying unavailable dates on the calendar when a room is already booked for certain dates? Does it require premium to have that functionality?
2024 年 11 月 15 日 1 回复
In some places in your code you use esc_attr with translation text domain i.e. public/class-mwb-bookings-for-woocommerce-public.php line 618, line 622, line 636 and line line 640 (placeholders) These texts are not translatable since esc_attr one recieve one parameter esc_attr( string $text ) You need to use esc_attr_e which recieves the second parameter as a text domain. Please don’t forget to update the po file, Thanks.
2024 年 10 月 4 日 1 回复
Priyanshi from the WP Swings team provided me with fast and efficient support. Her expertise and kindness made solving the issue easy and stress-free. Thanks to her help, everything was resolved in no time!


「Bookings for WooCommerce – Booking, WooCommerce Bookings, Manage Bookings, Booking Calendar, Schedule Appointments」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


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3.3.2 – Released on 06 February 2025

  • Fix: JS enqueue issue fix.

3.3.1 – Released on 31 January 2025

  • New: Cost calculation for slot select on product page issue fixed.
  • New: Highlight selected date on calendar.
  • New: Highlighted selected slot on the calendar.
  • New: Compatibility with latest WP[6.7.1] and WC[9.6.0].

3.3.0 – Released on 13 January 2025

  • New: Widget of booking product to show on single page.
  • New: Compatibility with latest WP[6.7.1] and WC[9.5.2].

3.2.3 – Released on 10 December 2024

  • New: Compatibility with latest WP[6.7.1] and WC[9.4.3]

3.2.1 – Released on 01 November 2024

  • New: Added setting to Enable Days availabilty and days availability upto Togather
  • New: Implemented new calendar for single calendar days
  • New: Additional settings hover setting issue is working
  • New: Compatibility with latest WP[6.6.2] and WC[9.3.3]
  • Fix: Fixed issue with ACF plugin

3.2.0 – Released on 7 September 2024

  • New: user can add more than 10 slots for booking.
  • New: Add midnight slots for booking.
  • Fix: bug fix for mobile view dual calendar.
  • New: Compatibility With Latest WP[6.6.2] and WC[9.3.3].

3.1.11 – Released on 30 August 2024

  • Fix: Calendar issue fix for mobile devices.
  • New: Compatibility With Latest WP[6.6.1] and WC[9.2.3].

3.1.10 – Released on 18 July 2024

  • New: Slot Hours into minutes also.
  • New: Hide base cost.
  • New: Latest WC[9.1.2] and WP[6.6.0].

3.1.9 – Released on 19 June 2024

  • Fix: To prevent the keyboard from opening on mobile view when clicking on single calendar.
  • Fix: List of services in order issue fixed.
  • Fix: Disable book now button on empty form issue fixed.
  • New: Latest WC[9.0.0] and WP[6.5.4].

3.1.8 – Released on 03 June 2024

  • Fix: language issue fixed by client
  • New: Booking Calendar filter added
  • New: Set available upto date for single calender
  • New: Latest WP[6.5.3] and WC[8.9.1]

3.1.7 – Released on 26 April 2024

  • New: Changed calendar for multiple Booking
  • New: Changed calendar for Dual Booking supporting Hours and days
  • New: Added order links in calendar Booking Section
  • New: Allowed Decimal value for Booking Product
  • New: Compatibility with RMA
  • Fix: Fixed the Database Error
  • Fix: Booking Cancle issue fixed
  • New: Compatibility with Germanized Plugin
  • New: Compatibility with latest WP[6.5.2] & WC[8.8.2]

3.1.6 – Released on 06 March 2024

  • New: Add a Prompt Popup for the cancellation option
  • New: Product total will show according to the quantity
  • New: WP[6.4.3] and WC[8.6.1] Update
  • Fix: When the user selects multiple slots for booking it will be visible on the booking calendar
  • Fix: Compatibility with Block Cart for quantity restriction

3.1.5 – Released on 11 December 2023

  • Support : Compatibility With Latest WP[6.4.2] and WC[8.3.1].
  • Support : Compatibility With Cart and Checkout Block.

3.1.4 – Released on 15 November 2023

  • New: Compatibility with WP[6.3.2] and WC[8.2.1].

3.1.3 – Released on 11 September 2023

  • New: HPOS compatibility.
  • New: Compatibility with WP[6.3.1] and WC[8.0.3].

3.1.2 – Released on 18 August 2023

  • Fix: Translation issue fix
  • Fix: Single calendar issue fix
  • New: Compatible with latest wp[6.3.0] wc[8.0.2]

3.1.0 – Released on 22 June 2023

  • New: Providing one more type of booking calendar.
  • New: Single calendar booking form.
  • New: Latest WP [6.2.0] and WC[7.8.0].

3.0.8 – Released on 27 April 2023

  • New: Disable the book now button on the empty form
  • New: Compatible with the latest WP[6.1.1] and WC[7.6.0]

3.0.7 – Released on 13 March 2023

  • Fix: Issue in updating another post
  • New: Compatible with the latest WP[6.1.1] and WC[7.4.1]

3.0.6 – Released on 17 February 2023

  • New: Choose Single Upcoming Days
  • New: Add Booking to Google Calendar
  • New: Disable Setting For Availability by days setting
  • New: My Booking Tab Added
  • New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC

3.0.5 – Released on 23 December 2022

  • Fix: Calendar timing issue fixed
  • New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC

3.0.4 – Released on 16 December 2022

  • New: Set Daily Start and End times on the Calendar
  • New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC

3.0.3 – Released on 14 October 2022

  • New: Minor Bug Fixes (Some Unnecessary code is removed)
  • New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC
  • New: Compatible with the latest version of Php 8

3.0.2 – Released on 05 August 2022

  • New: Select Booking unit(days/hours)
  • New: Minor Bug Fixes
  • New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC

3.0.1 – Released on 08 July 2022

  • New: Minor Bug Fixes
  • New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC

3.0.0 – Released on 29 April 2022

  • New: Some substantial UI changes across different areas of the plugin.
  • New: Minor Bug Fixes
  • New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC

2.0.4 – Released on 3 February 2022

  • New: Change author from MakeWebBetter to WP Swings
  • New: Notice display of current version for WP Swings.
  • New: Minor Bug fixes
  • New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC

2.0.2 – Released on 18 November 2021

  • New: UI update
  • New: Compatibility with WC 5.9.0 and WP 5.8.2
  • Fix: Minor bugs fixes

2.0.1 – Released on 13 September 2021

  • New: WPML compatibility added
  • New: Multisite compatibility added
  • Fix: Minor bug fixes

2.0.0 – Released on 25 August 2021

1.0.1 – Released on 31 May 2021

  • Fix: Minor issues
  • Fix: Booking Total Currency Symbol
  • New: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.3 and WordPress 5.7

1.0.0 – Released on 21 May 2021

  • First version