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Nav Zoom Meet


This plugin will help you to manage your zoom meeting from wordpress admin panel. You can schedule one-to-one meeting or add more participants in the meeting. You can also view meeting details with list of participants. Also You can reschedule meeting before meeting time with the help of this plugin without going zoom portal. Also you can cancel meeting anytime. You can also use plugin shortcode for frontend user to schedule meeting themself on their availability date and time. You can manage frontend meeting form style from plugin. You can set your working start time and end time, so that user can schedule meeting in between start time & end time. You can check all upcoming & past meeting differently.


  • NZM zoom setting screen.
  • NZM meeting setting screen.
  • NZM styles screen.
  • NZM shortcode screen.
  • NZM upcoming meeting list screen.
  • NZM past meeting list screen.
  • Create meeting from admin panel screen.
  • Update meeting from admin panel screen.
  • Delete meeting screen.
  • Add participant in the meeting (This feature is not available if your zoom plan is basic.)
  • Meeting detail screen.
  • Appointment/Meeting scheduling by frontend user with the help of this form.


  1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Go to the Plugins page and activate the plugin.

You will find Zoom Meet menu in your WordPress admin screen.
For documentation, have a look at the plugin’s website.


How do I use this plugin?

You need to create JWT token from zoom marketplace and enter JWT token, zoom email-id, Timezone, start time, endtime and meeting duration in plugin setting.
How to create JWT token. Please check the link: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/build/jwt-app/

How to uninstall the plugin?

Simply deactivate and delete the plugin.




「Nav Zoom Meet」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


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  • Plugin released.