The iframe widget block enables editors of pages or blocks to insert a WildApricot widget without knowing the underlying code. You simply insert the URL path (eg /Sys/Profile) of the page you wish to insert and the widget appears in your page or post. You can also control the height and width easily and preview the results in your page before publishing.
To install this add-on, you must install NewPath Wild Apricot Press first. Visit the NewPath WildApricot Press website, to obtain a license key. This is a free add-on so you can use the same license key as NewPath WildApricot Press. Once you actviate this plugin, add a license key under WildApricot Press > Licensing.
- Easy configuration of the WildApricot widget iframe
- Resizing features to support height and width of the iframe
- Insert into a page or post using the block editor
Check out the FAQ section and screenshots for more details.
Please visit the NewPath WildApricot Press website to obtain your license key or to inquire further about the plugin!
该插件提供了 1 个区块.
- WAP Wild Apricot iFrame Showcase a Wild Apricot widget on your WordPress site with a Gutenberg block!
The NewPath WildApricot Press plugin license is available on the NewPath WildApricot Press website. Your license includes 2 free add-ons, the member directory and iframe widget blocks. Future commercials WAP add-ons that generate revenue for your organization will have a separate license fee.
To activate the plugin, enter your license key in WildApricot Press > Licensing. Once you enter your license key and click “Save”, you’re good to go!
How do I add an iframe widget?
- Make or edit a WordPress post or page.
- Browse to the block inserter (
on the top left of the post editor) or use a slash (/) command to find the WAP iframe (See screenshot 1), You now should be able to see the block settings panel on the right side of the editor. - The Wild Apricot domain name
will display your WildApricot subdomain set with the Authorization application credentials. If you want a different domain (eganotherdomain.wildapricot.org
), you can enter it in the Wild Apricot Domain setting. (See screenshot 2) - Enter the URL path to the WildApriot page containing the widget you wish to install. For example if you wish to insert a member’s profile use
. (See screenshot 3)
What WildApricot widgets can be added?
All available WildApricot widgets that can be used in an iframe wiget block are described on the WildApricot help system.
「NewPath WildApricotPress Add-on – iFrame Widget」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。