该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Nirweb support


Aside from news websites, almost all websites of the world require a support system, do you agree?
The reason is the purpose behind establishing a website is expanding relations with users, offering products, and naturally, supporting them in the future.

So we have agreed that using a support plugin is a need for every website, even yours, dear friend .

Well! The question that arises now is what features should a good support plugin have?

wordpress & woocommerce support plugin Demo / user&pass: demo

To respond this question, I will tell you about our support and ticket plugins’ features; see for yourself if the features are sufficient!

The ability to define infinite departments
If your website needs various sections (such as sales, support, management, etc.) you need not worry at all; our WordPress support plugin is ready to meet your requirements.

The ability to define infinite representatives.
We will still be by your side if you need to add various representatives to your team.

Complete accordance with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads

If you want the user to select the product they have bought when sending a ticket, or only buying customers to be able to send tickets… we are still here for you!

Prepared answers
Many of users’ questions are repetitive, so the answers will be the same. The solution is to build a prepared answer so that you can answer such tickets in one click and not waste too much time typing

Searching the tickets
Whenever you need to create a ticket based on ID or a subject, perform a search in a jiffy!

All sections being AJAX and therefore doubly beautiful.
We have developed AJAX in all sections resulting in better appearance of sending tickets, searching tickets, etc. which means efficiency alongside beauty for your sake.

Floating support icon on the website
You could select a custom icon in the plugin settings to float in the corner of the web page and remind your users that you have a support system and care about them!

List of some features

  • Unlimited Tickets
  • Unlimited Agents
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Products
  • Unlimited Departments
  • Unlimited Pre answer
  • Agents can create tickets on behalf of users
  • Agents can view only their tickets or all tickets
  • Agents can receive e-mail notifications by email for ticket events such as new ticket, reply to ticket etc.
  • Users can receive e-mail notifications by email for ticket events such as new ticket, reply to ticket etc.
  • And …


  • Ticket list for the user
  • Send New Ticket
  • Ticket page
  • Tickets page for admin
  • Departments
  • Pre answer
  • FAQs
  • Email Settings


  1. Upload plugin file to the \”/wp-content/plugins/\” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the \”Plugins\” menu in WordPress.


Is this plugin compatible with WooCommerce?

Yes, this plugin adds to the WooCommerce panel automatically and provides the option to select a product when sending a ticket.


2023 年 12 月 1 日
The user interface is one of the best out there, but there is no documentation or user guide anywhere to be found. Moving on, sadly.
2022 年 12 月 18 日 1 回复
متاسفانه پر از باگ هست. چون در حال استفاده بود، مجبورم کلی باگ فاجعه ازش بگیرم ..تا بتونم ادامه بدم. به هیچ عنوان استفاده نکنید.
2022 年 11 月 17 日 2 回复
افزونه دارای ایرادات فنی بسیار زیادی هست و حیف این همه زمان که برای نصب افزونه گذاشتیم و حیف این همه زمان که برای برنامه نویسیش گذاشته شده
2022 年 9 月 17 日
Grateful you created this plugin, it is amazing!
2022 年 3 月 26 日
خیلی جالب و عالی هستش امیدوارم همچنان به کارتون ادامه بدین. تشکر


「Nirweb support」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「Nirweb support」插件已被翻译至 2 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。

帮助将「Nirweb support」翻译成简体中文。




= 3.0.3=

  • fixed: some reported bugs

= 3.0.2=
* added: ticket information placeholders in email title templates
* fixed: ticket ID placeholder in email body template
* fixed: improve translations

= 3.0.1=
* added: pagination for tickets

= 3.0=
* added: Redesigning the appearance of the plugin
* fixed: some reported bugs

= 2.8.6=
* added: Add a request message while answering the ticket
* fixed: some reported bugs

= 2.8.4=
* fixed: some reported bugs

= 2.8.3=
* fixed: some reported bugs

= 2.8.2=
* fixed: some reported bugs

= 2.7.9=
* fixed: Coordination with NirWeb user panel plugin v4.2.2

= 2.7.8=a
* fixed: some reported bugs

= 2.7.7=
* fixed: remove sweetalert

= 2.7.6=
* added: Turkish translation
* fixed: Coordination with Nir Web user panel plugin v4.1.5

  • fixed: Plugin translation problem


  • added : Coordination with Nir Web user panel plugin
  • fixed: Problems have been reported


  • added : Change the appearance of the admin area
  • fixed: Problems have been reported