该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

WordPress Pagination Plugin: Page-Links Plus


WordPress pagination plugin. Paginate content easily and efficiently.


Check out the Page-Links Plus Demo »

About PLP

PLP @ GitHub



  1. Install and activate the basic Page-Links Plus plugin. (If you’re unfamiliar with installing WordPress plugins, please read this page from the Codex).

  2. You’ll see a new top-level admin menu titled “Page-Links Plus” where you can manage plugin settings.


See the GitHub project wiki.



2016 年 9 月 3 日 4 回复
The video shows it can do 4 different things — in reality, it doesn’t do nothing. You have to $$ to play. Nice bait and switch. Next (pun intended).


「WordPress Pagination Plugin: Page-Links Plus」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。



= 2.5 (5/13/19)

PLP is now 100% free.

= 2.4.2 (7/10/18)

Changed the way PLP handles updates (custom SVN server > GitHub releases)

2.4.1 (7/9/18)

Allow users to exempt pages and posts from pagination, fixed miscellaneous error warnings

2.4 (2/11/15)

Bug fixes, feature enhancements

2.3.2 (12/19/14)

Bug fixes, feature enhancements

2.3.1 (11/25/14)

Bug fixes

2.3 (11/12/14)

Added multisite (MU) support, minor copy/content adjustments

2.2 (5/10/14)

Allows automatic pagination by number of paragraphs, number of words, and total number of pages. Ajax pagination option. Review the detailed PLP change log here: https://pagelinksplus.com/documentation-and-resources/.

2.1 (2/1/14)

v.2.1 adds a number of new features to PLP, all of which can be reviewed here: Review the PLP change log here: https://pagelinksplus.com/documentation-and-resources/

2.0 (9/12/12)

New functionality: top-level admin menu item and module framework. Shortcode/HTML fix. Globally enable/disable single-page option for pages and posts using admin UI. (v.1.0 “?singlepage=1” URL parameter maintained.) Review the detailed PLP change log here: https://pagelinksplus.com/documentation-and-resources/.

1.1 (3/2/12)

Extra lines fix. Review the detailed PLP change log here: https://pagelinksplus.com/documentation-and-resources/.