Particle Background WP


Add the particles.js JavaScript library to add cool particle effects to any WordPress page ( demo: ).

Uses shortcode or easy options for adding to the front page or blog page of WordPress.

Fully customize the particles using your own JSON or the built in color & density settings

Leave a comment in the support forum for any suggestions or bugs.


Add particle background to home or blog pages with one click
Add particle background to any page using shortcodes
Customize the background color and dot color
Add any HTML just like a WordPress post to display on top of the particle background (optional)


  • Default Setting
  • Admin screen


  1. Upload the plugin file to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. In your sidebar, select ‘Particle Backgrounds’ to get started


How can I add my own particles.js config file?

Method 1: Add a directory in your theme called particle-background-wp and copy your particlesjs-config.json file to that folder. The json will automatically be loaded.
Method 2. Add a filter rn-pbwp-custom-json that returns a JSON string of the config.

How can I customize which pages the particle background appears on?

Method 1: Use the one-click buttons to add particle background to your Blog or Home pages
Method 2: Insert the shortcode [particle-background-wp] on the page you want to add a particle background to.
Method 3: Use the filter rn-pbwp-enqueue to return true to add particle background to a page.


2023 年 11 月 21 日
not real background, didn’t work with css like written , and not work with gutenberg block
2022 年 6 月 19 日
First issue: There is no explanation on the plugin page on how to use it. I installed the plugin, activated it, but nothing happens. There are not settings in WordPress you can tweak or change. Again, no explanation on how to change settings is provided anywhere. In fact, there is no information at all. The links on the plugin page do not work, obviously the author hasn’t updated anything recently. Waste of time!
2019 年 1 月 2 日
It works, but it was hard to find how to make this a background. For anyone who’s looking for a solution, I used this code: ` div#rn-pbwp-div { position:absolute!important; z-index:-1!important; } ` Then it appears on top of the WP backend, so it’s kind of messy. But at least the front end looks and works good. If the app doesn’t get updated, I will probably find a way to integrate particles.js manually.
2018 年 6 月 20 日
this makes it background (in custom css): div#rn-pbwp-div { position:fixed!important; z-index:-1!important; }
2018 年 6 月 5 日
The particle effect is awesome, but this is not a background, it’s an animation that gets added to the top of the page where you want the background to be used. A real background “melts” with the page. Make it a real background and I will put you 5 stars because I really like the effect.
2018 年 4 月 27 日
looked promising, but shows up only at the top of the page not usable as a background. That is not mentioned in the reviews only, but also in all unresolved topics. the author obiously does not care, nobody receiced a solution.


“Particle Background WP” 是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


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Particle Background WP 2.0.0

  • Added ability to target CSS selectors to fill with particles(!)
  • Rewrote shortcode behavior to fill the parent with particles, instead of inserting a top section
  • A few UI updates

Particle Background WP 1.1.0

  • Added particle density slider
  • Added a filter for custom JSON
  • Added a theme-specific particle json support. Add /particle-background-wp/particlejs-config.json to your theme to automatically load a particles.js JSON config file
  • Added a filter for enqueuing the particle script ( ‘rn-pbwp-enqueue’ ) – true to enqueue the particles on that page
  • Fix shortcodes not working in the content input

Particle Background WP 1.0.0

  • Initial Release