This plugin is very really easy to use but powerfull to manage item and assign them to custom categories.
More features will be added in the future and in the paid version.
Two custom database tables are created on activation but contain only few informations. It will be delete when removing the plugin (not on simple desactivation). All the created posts stay in the WordPress database after removing, like any custom post type.
In the Settings submenu you can add items and categories, modify and delete them.
New item will appear in the Simple Catalogue Menu and can be manage like a normal post.
If you enjoy this plugin, feel free to make a donation or rate it. All donations are welcome, little ones too. It will help me to improve this plugin.
With this new version you can enjoy the metabox addon available on http://fb-creation.alwaysdata.net/downloads/metabox-addon-pour-simple-catalogue/
Features :
– You can choose if the new items links are in primary level or in the simple catalogue submenu.
– You can choose the icon to display in the admin menu if you choose to display items as primary level menu
– Post types created by this plugin herit of features of classic WP posts : hierarchical, archivable…
– Sortable by custom categories in list view.
Available translations:
– Français
– Espanol
– Deutch
– Italiano
– Portugès
Translations are done with Google translation.
If you improve a translation or make a new one, please send it to me in order to add it.
contact developer
Support is done on the wordpress.org plugin page
if you have a specific other question, contact me on f.baldo@solutions-web-toulouse.fr
- install ‘simple-catalogue.zip’ like any other plugin
or uploadsimple-catalogue
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- If i delete an item or a category, will i keep my posts ?
Yes. When you delete an item or a category, only the custom tables will be affect. All posts created are store in wp native tables.
- Resolved a bug in tables creation on plugin install.
- Resolved a bug in taxonomy creation, slug was not saving properly.
- Add Metabox add-on support
- Reademe updated
- Improve French translation
- Initial version