Subscription ePayco works together with the Woocommerce subscriptions plugin.
Additional Info
Contribute repository on github
- Download the plugin
- Enter the administrator of your WordPress.
- Enter Plugins / Add-New / Upload-Plugin.
- Find the plugin downloaded on your computer and upload it like any other file.
- After installing the .zip you can see it in the list of installed plugins, you can activate or deactivate it.
- To configure the plugin you must go to: WooCommerce / Adjustments / Finish Purchase and Locate the tab Payu Latam Subscription.
- Configure the plugin by entering ApiKey, PrivateKey provided by ePayco
- Save Changes, if you have not done the configuration correctly you will be shown a warning, pay attention to this.
Countries in which its use is available ?
Are you required to use a ssl certificate ?
Yes. But it is advisable that you consider using it since it is revealing for browsers
What else should I keep in mind, that you have not told me ?
- You need to use the Woocommerce subscriptions
Why is not charging in the indicated interval ?
You can not change the price, interval and period of the subscription product once you have created it, and you would have made at least the first subscription by a user
How enable multiple subscriptions ?
Enter Woocommerce/settings/Subscriptions enable “Manual Renewal Payments”
2020 年 7 月 22 日
Para los que no les funcione o tengan errores después de haber colocado bien las apis solo deben habilitar los campos de facturación, ya que el plugin necesita varios para que funcione correctamente y si tienes algún plugin que oculta o simplifica la página de pago no podrás completar la suscripción.
2020 年 6 月 30 日
2020 年 2 月 14 日
2 回复
Logre que el plugin funcionará, sin embargo al ser un plugin gratuito no tiene soporte y debes buscar la configuración y soporte por cuenta propia.
2020 年 2 月 11 日
2 回复
Descargue e instalé el plugin pero no funciona bien, al comprar una suscripción que tiene un free trial el plugin le cobra al cliente el 100% del valor de la suscripción, no espera a que se acabe la prueba…entiendo por otro comentario de soporte que tampoco hace los pagos automáticos…No deberían permitir que usuarios suban plugins que no funcionan a wordpress!
- Updated centered fields card
- Updated allow manually renew
- Updated compatible with php >= 8.1
- Fixed fields billing_dni, billing_type_document
- Fixed show errors messages
- Updated disable gateway if it is not subscription