插件标签: edit
Edit Login
(1总评级)Edit Login plugin allows you to edit the wordpress default login page: customize easily the login page background and font, the logo and its link
The Saver
(1总评级)This plugins allows you to publish your posts/pages and update your files in the admin panel by pressing CTRL+S.
WP Edit Redirect
(0总评级)Add "/wp-edit/" to the end of a page or post URL to redirect to the admin. Quick access to the backend to make changes on the fly!
Developer Code Editor
(1总评级)Plugin for WordPress Developers to enhance Theme and Plugin Editors on their WordPress site.
Additional Content
(1总评级)Display additional content before or after post content in single post pages.
Jump to – Page Edit
(1总评级)Adds an option to the "Edit Page" screen, allowing the user to easily choose another page to edit without leaving the "Edit Page" …
Multiple Editors
(0总评级)Allow multiple editors and contributors per post or page. Also enable contributors and authors to upload files and add new pages by default.
Real-time TITLE Checker
(0总评级)Real-time TITLE Checker is a plug-in that allows you to quickly search, narrow down, and check article titles that match keywords entered in the title …
Code Repository
(0总评级)Allows users to save scripts and code snippets, using the built-in WordPress post revisioning system.
(0总评级)Do you like time-management techniques like "The Pomodoro Technique"? You'll love this plugin!!!!
Genesis Inline
(0总评级)An inline front page post editor for Genesis. Works with GenesisConnect & BuddyPress.
WP Live Edit
(0总评级)WP Live Edit is Wordpress plugin that enable the user to update the content, live, on the blog.
Image meta
(0总评级)Adds a filter so that the title of images is the file name, not the caption, as it was in wp < 3.0
AIM Style Vault
(1总评级)AIM Style Vault lets you add persistent CSS for your WordPress theme that can be organized into stylesheets and published just like a post.
orcas Responsive Wiki
(2总评级)Buddypress wiki where registered users in the frontend can edit the same document after each other.
Post Switch
(0总评级)Post Switch allows you to switch your editing post right in your admin post edit panel