插件标签: formatting
Monsters Editor for WP Super Edit
(0总评级)Monsters Editor (MsE) brings the magic of Fckeditor back to TinyMCE.
Category Page Extender
(0总评级)Inserts posts into pages corresponding to category. Add on plugin for Category Page by pixline.net. Requieres an active installation of Category Page …
Parsedown for WordPress
(2总评级)This plugin processes your posts and comments using the Parsedown library. It is a direct replacement for PHP Markdown Extra by Michel Fortin.
TinyMCE Pre Button
(1总评级)Adds the Pre button to the TinyMCE toolbar and the shortcut Ctrl+0 to format text with <pre> tag
Protected Post Personalizer
(2总评级)This plugin is a simple one, but good at what it does. It changes three elements of protected posts to make them more friendly to visitors.
Floating Callout
(0总评级)Creates a Gutenberg block displayed float right or float left relative to other content. You may set padding, margins, background color or background …
McNinja Post Styles
(1总评级)It's like Post Formats, but actually useful. Every post is unique, start treating them that way.
(2总评级)The eBible VerseLink plugin let's website and blog owners automatically link to Bible references
No Format Shortcode
(1总评级)This plugin provides a shortcode to selectively disable WordPress' automatic formatting. Very useful for anyone looking to write some custom HTML …
Bible Search
(0总评级)The eBible Bible Search plugin let's website and blog owners give their users the power of eBible.com's search engine directly on their webs …
Vacant Line BReaker
(0总评级)Wordpress ignores multiple line breaks normaly. This plugin breaks lines as may as you want.
(1总评级)Killit disables all WordPress auto-formatting automatically. Similar to the popular RawHTML plugin, but applies the effect to all pages automatically.
No Widget Category Cloud
(0总评级)Creates a function that can be placed in a wordpress template for a category cloud that exists without the requirement of widgets or a widget ready th …
Post Typographer
(0总评级)Adds non-breaking spaces, “ tags, common spaces, tags and dashes where needed. Works with English texts only.
(0总评级)The eBible VerseLink plugin let's website and blog owners automatically link to Bible references
Hebrew Dates
(2总评级)This plugin allows WordPress to easily show Hebrew dates instead of (or in addition to) the standard Gregorian dates. No theme changes are required.
Acronym Manager
(1总评级)A plugin to define acronyms in pages, posts and comments site-wide. Defined acronyms are underlined, and the definition appears as a tool-tip.