插件标签: htaccess
Mapping of image posts
(1总评级)Generate a mapping of image – article it belongs, by scanning all attachments.
WordPress Easy Custom Error Pages
(1总评级)This plugin dynamically creates pages & page templates for the most common error codes/statuses and updates your HTACCESS file as required to work …
WordPress .htpasswd Generator
(0总评级)Sync your WordPress users with .htpasswd file for enabling Apache (2.2.18 and above) basic authentication based on file for your resources
Easy Bruteforce Protect
(0总评级)This plugin modifies your .htaccess file to provide protection from brute force attack bots.
<.htaccess> IP block
(2总评级)This plugin uses the power of Apache server to block unwanted IP addresses from accessing or harming your Wordpress site.
Htaccess Secure Files
(1总评级)Allows securing files in WP's media library to be only accessible to users with specific roles, capabilities, or IP addresses.
Redirect 404 Page to Home
(0总评级)Divert all of the 404 broken pages to your home page. Manage 404 errors, and improve your site. No knowledge of Apache, htaccess or Nginx required.
Redirection add-on: Monitor category redirects
(0总评级)Monitor category redirects is an add-on for the Redirection plugin that allows you to monitor category redirects.
Xtoool Ads Box
(0总评级)Xtoool Ads Box helps you create High-converting product bars to engage customers and grow sales. Are you worried about how to create, manage, and mai …
JMS URL Rewrite Rule
(0总评级)Help to create 301 permanent redirection URL rewrite rules for .htaccess.
Advanced Https Redirection
(0总评级)Redirect your whole domain from/to http to/from https, or redirect just certain pages without any technical knowledge.
Link changer htaccess for better SEO
(0总评级)Prepare rules for .htaccess file before changing URL in Wordpress
Xtoool Redirecter
(0总评级)Manage 301 redirects, track 404 errors, and improve your site. No knowledge of Apache or Nginx required.
Check System Details
(0总评级)Easily check your WordPress installation and server details along with database tables, installed plugins, and the active theme.
(0总评级)Manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.