插件标签: lesson
Online Lesson Booking
(2总评级)このプラグインはマンツーマンのオンラインレッスン向けにスケジューラと予約フォームを提供するものです。 This plug-in supplies the reservation-form and scheduler for the one-to-one online lesson.
Pleasant Viewer
(0总评级)Easily share Wednesday Readings, inspiring texts, lessons, benedictions and more on your WordPress site. Official site: PleasantViewer.org
Simple Course Creator Customizer
(0总评级)Add a style customizer section for Simple Course Creator output.
Simple Course Creator Front Display
(0总评级)Outputs the course name on each post listed on a blog home, archive page, or search results page.
Simple Course Creator – Updates
(2总评级)Use the SCC Updates addon to list the newest posts from your courses and stories in a timeline format.