插件标签: play
Auto youtube
(0总评级)An easy way to add video to your site with an automatic search based on tags, titles and categories.
(0总评级)"play-button" lets you place one or more simple mp3 play buttons to your posts, pages or widget contents.
Grooveshark for WordPress
(0总评级)The Grooveshark plugin allows you to insert music links or Grooveshark Widgets into your blog.
Last.fm Recent Plays – WordPress Plugin
(0总评级)With this simple plugin you can easily add your most recent scrobbles on Last.fm to your WordPress website.
Listen to Quran Verses
(3总评级)A Quran player developed for the purpose to listen and/or memorize the Quran with the functionality to repeat many times a specific interval of verses
Automatic Video Page
(1总评级)Este plugin permite crear contenido automático y relevante para tu página. Bastará con poner el título de tu post y el plugin se encargará de buscar el contenido relacionado poniendo un shortcode en tus post o pages. Por ej. [videos buscar=”Adele” num=”10″]. Este plugin es responsive. Contribuirá con el posicionamiento SEO de tu página, ampliando su contenido en pocos segundos. Puedes crear cientos de paginas rápidamente. Por ej. Rihanna, Adele, Paul Simon, Eminem, etc, etc, num = “50” (máximo debe ser 50). [videos buscar=”Rihanna” num=”50″]
SpeakStaff Audio Player
(0总评级)With this plugin, you can integrate a narrated version of your blog post into your blog by simply entering an ID via a shortcode.
Play Pause Button for Video
(0总评级)This plugin used for add automatically 'Play Pause' button on video with sticky & floating features.