插件标签: upgrade
Disable Admin Notices individually
(336总评级)Disable admin notices plugin gives you the option to hide updates warnings and inline notices in the admin panel.
Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades
(118总评级)Easily upgrade your themes and plugins using zip files without removing the theme or plugin first.
WP Updates Notifier
(35总评级)Sends email to notify you if there are any updates for your WordPress site. Can notify about core, plugin and theme updates.
Core Rollback
(10总评级)Seamless rollback of WordPress Core to latest release or any outdated, secure release using the Core Update API and core update methods.
Windows Compatibility Fix
(8总评级)Fixes long filename problem on Windows systems when doing updates, such as updating from EDD based sites.
WP Core Update Cleaner
(4总评级)This plugin automatically removes some files in the root folder, like wp-config-sample.php, readme and license files, when WordPress is manually or au …
Update Notifier
(0总评级)Sends email notifications if a new version of WordPress available. Notifications about updates for plugins and themes can also be sent.
Upgrade for Unattach and Re-attach Media Attachments
(7总评级)Allows to unattach and reattach images and other attachments from within the media library page.
Automatic updates for WordPress without email notifications
(0总评级)Keep your WordPress site up-to-date and disable email notifications about WordPress updates.
Local Development
(5总评级)Places development notice for plugins or themes that are in local development. Prevents updating of selected plugins and themes.
Graphic Web Design, Inc. Manager
(1总评级)This plugin automatically runs updates for the security of your Wordpress minor and major core version, plugins, and themes.
No Browser Nag
(0总评级)Removes the browser nag that appears in the admin dashboard when using a less-than-current web browser.
Upgrade Notification by Email
(0总评级)Sends daily notofication at admins' email if installation of Wordpress is out of date
SVN Auto Upgrade
(2总评级)Description: Hook into plugin and core upgrader to support SVN driven sites. Now you can freely use the WordPress auto upgrade features without worryi …
MySitesManager Updates Checker
(1总评级)www.mysitesmanager.com is the easy way to manage multiple WordPress sites. We take the headache out of managing lots of sites by giving you a simple d …
Extension Manager
(0总评级)This plugin helps you to install, upgrade, delete and search for plugins and themes.
Stop Living in the Past
(0总评级)Do your part to help phase out Internet Explorer 6 forever by adding a warning to your blog or site that tells visitors using Internet Explorer 6 or o …