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Testimonial or Reviews


Testimonial or Reviews is a flexible testimonials plugin with many nice features that works right out of the box for beginners with advanced features for Pros. This awesome plugin is backed by a very strong and expert support. It is fully responsive testimonial plugin to insert a list of all Testimonials and Reviews with Visual Composer extension. When you have a business or corporate or e-commerce website with up to several hundred testimonials or reviews, you’ll need a plugin like Testimonial or Reviews in your WP dashboard. By using categories for different products or services, that needs flexible display options and a customizable form for accepting new testimonials, this plugin will work in just perfect way it should be. This plugin is the all in one package plugin that will assist a lot to output a random Testimonial and Review, or display a slideshow of Testimonials anywhere on your website.

Awesome Testimonial or Reviews Plugin for WordPress

Testimonial or Reviews is the plugin that makes it easy to add Testimonials and Reviews to any Page using Shortcode. This awesome plugin is for creating responsive testimonials that include a title, image, tagline, website URL, and message to make it simple to add a photo of the testimonial author that will bring the profile more eye-catching and informative. A developer can simply add multiple Testimonial or Reviews with having them slider and decorate them with unlimited custom color in attractive and presentable fashion. Testimonial or Reviews plugin is designed to be an easy and lightweight way to add testimonials or reviews to the author or any profile. Creating an Awesome Testimonial or Review page with this plugin is very fast and easy. Simply Add author info and image into testimonial panel and set or customize them all from one page. You can choose from different Testimonial or Reviews template types and use the provided shortcode or a template or Visual Composer ID includes too easily embedding Testimonials in your Website.

=Quick Links=

Testimonial or Reviews is an important part of creating an attractive, informative and professional looking Testimonial webpage. With Testimonial or Reviews, you can reach your website an apex level of responsiveness by showing your product or service at an innovative and professional way. Testimonial or Reviews allow you to add testimonials and reviews of your product, service or author to display your professional purpose information more firmly and beautifully. To bring this effect on the page it was not easy before. In the past, we had to rely on complex Javascript and other programming languages for getting that special effect and slideshow of our contents. The coding could be the scariest thing for some people. In concern of those people WordPress brought the plugin facilities. Now-a-days plugin like Testimonial or Reviews brings us the special convenience to add testimonials and reviews on WordPress site using shortcodes and custom post.

=Testimonial or Reviews can help improving your website in a number of ways=

  • Create unlimited views. For example, one view for a form, another for a static grid, another for a slideshow, and so on.
  • Backup and restore testimonials
  • Slider with several navigation options
  • Setup input forms in content or widget areas
  • Use 5 star rating system
  • Sort by oldest, newest, random, or menu order (drag-and-drop)
  • Author, Email, Testimonial are required input fields
  • Slider with several navigation options
  • Testimonial Title, Location, Website is optional input fields
  • Embeds (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)
  • Two additional customizable input fields
  • Show testimonials in content or widget areas
  • Group testimonials for separate display
  • Linking Your Testimonials to a specific Page, Such As a Product Page
  • Use sliders and excerpts
  • Optionally use schema/google snippet markup
  • Managing Testimonials with an easy-to-use interface that requires no new knowledge!
  • Customize text color and background color
  • Easily edit and approve testimonials in the admin panel
  • Pagination available in multiple testimonials per page
  • Help available in admin panels

We developed Testimonial or Reviews WP plugin with a bunch of feature including an exclusive live admin panel. It is a fast and simple plugin to be working with. This plugin design is responsive and user friendly to any mobile devices. You can add multiple testimonial profiles on multiple pages and posts. Their unlimited color scheme and font style available for contents.

=Why Do I Need Testimonials on my Website?=

If you’re willing to sell a product on your website or provide a service, customer testimonials can be a key content element for your business. Because of the unbiased comments that prompt visitors to buy, testimonial with the review is the key element of your website. By using testimonials in text, audio or video formats on your site, you introduce content that will promote your product in convincing fashion. You should be using testimonials to help establish the credibility of your products. Testimonials work because they aren’t strong sales pitches; they come across in an unbiased voice and establish trust. Testimonials are a great way to strengthen your brand and reliability with new customers.

  • Testimonials with review help potential customers get to know that you are in a trustworthy business or have a quality product.
  • Testimonials give you the opportunity to point out specific features or compelling reasons why a customer should buy that particular product or service from you.
  • Testimonials, when used effectively, are a great tool to increase conversion rates on your website!

Testimonials are an extremely important part of the success of your business. So when you’re using WordPress to develop your business website you must have a plugin like Testimonial or Reviews in order to become a successful seller. Our plugin would be the best choice for adding the testimonials at an innovative way.

=Advantages of the Plugin=

Testimonial or Reviews is an impressive, lightweight, responsive testimonial plugin. We used modern and elegant CSS3 style to design the effects style and slider. In WordPress site using shortcodes and custom post make this testimonial and review creation plugin more user-friendly. We develop this plugin with some touch enable the feature. Testimonial or Reviews are a standard and an intuitive WordPress plugin to create Testimonial and Review to decorate the informative product or service page. Using this plugin will help you to get a better, pretty and obviously professional looking for your product.

Deeply Customizable– Testimonial or Reviews uses special markup, so that your testimonials appear correctly in search results in order to get a better response from the customers. Testimonial or Reviews are packed with a bunch of options that are very simple to use for anyone who is less familiar with WordPress. This plugin’s giving you the huge control over the display of your Testimonials. With this Testimonial or Reviews plugin you’ll be able to choose which fields to show, which theme to use, what to do with the display of Testimonial Images, type of the text to use for your links, what to do with the links and many more options!

Built in Visual Composer– Testimonial or Reviews have every feature what you can expect from a free testimonial plugin. It has a complete, easy-to-use testimonial or review creation capacity with different layers with visual composer built in. Oxilab Developers make this plugin easier to Visual Composer Users by adding an awesome panel for Visual Composer. Just add Your Element in Visual Composer from “Testimonial or Reviews” Content bar menu. Besides Visual Composer, others page builder is also working With Short Codes with this very effective plugin.

Fully live design and custom interface– Never again work on the backend and guess what the front-end will look like. With Testimonial or Reviews, every time you edit the page and simultaneously see exactly how it looks like on the page. Testimonial or Reviews features live editing, with no need to press update, or go to preview mode. This plugin developed with a strong and customizable interface and you can use the provided template to easily embed testimonials in your Website. With this plugin you can create unlimited testimonials using unlimited shortcode. So you can display your created testimonial or reviews on multiple page and post by using shortcode.

Multiple style and layouts– Testimonial or Reviews is full featured testimonial management WordPress plugin. With Testimonial or Reviews plugin you can select your preferred style from multiple styles and layouts. Testimonial or Reviews includes its own Shortcode Generators, found right above the page editor, allowing you to easily customize the display of your testimonials without having any complex coding knowledge.

Mobile Editing and Canvas– Testimonial or Reviews come with an exclusive tool set that let you create truly a responsive testimonial webpage in a whole new and visual way. From different font size per device, to reverse column ordering, this is the most powerful solution for creating perfect mobile pages. You can develop your testimonial page with our plugin simply using your mobile device. You can design your entire product page in the Testimonial or Reviews plugin. This is very perfect for landing pages and coming soon pages of your website. Our developed canvas works on any theme, and lets you get rid of the header area so you get a blank template to work on.

SEO-friendly and best eCommerce solution– For any product selling website, it is important to present their product review to the customers. Using Testimonial or Reviews WordPress plugin a WordPress developer can easily create SEO-friendly Testimonials with the review inserted so that their customers simply ensure themselves of product quality and make a solid decision to make purchases that product, right away. You can easily add links to your Testimonials to the main product page so that your customers can look up other products too! It is pretty cool, isn’t it? We designed Testimonial or Reviews plugin, including some exceptional features.

Our plugin is more effective when you use this for any eCommerce website. With Testimonial or Reviews WordPress plugin, you can easily add a product testimonial with the review, so that your customers can see the earlier feedback on the products they’re browsing. It’s the most comprehensive solution for every eCommerce site!

Well-designed plugin– We developed Testimonial or Reviews with the smooth touch of design. Here you create testimonials with images and decorated texts that have “the designer touch”, as we develop this plugin, including unique and exceptional features like box shadows, background color, border radius, custom padding, advanced buttons and much more. We’ve added Library to Testimonial or Reviews which includes a collection of beautiful templates. We left many tools to our plugin for the developer’s convenience. They can save their own created pages and sections here as they like, and reuse those on different pages, or export to whole different websites. We’ve also integrated multi language support within the framework of our Testimonial or Reviews builder, so you get a translated panel out of the box.

Built for Developers– Testimonial or Reviews were designed to be the most developer-friendly Testimonial building plugin available in WordPress. It was also built on top of a solid extension framework, which means different functionality is separated out into different areas in the codebase. It also means the core plugin is lightweight, but still allowing for the most flexibility. For the developer, we also include many filters, which allow you to completely customize the HTML of your testimonials. You can even use your own custom testimonial template. This plugin is built in visual composer. With the visual composer page builder on it, developers can find the easy way to work with the popular builder they used to. Visual composer is one of the popular and effective page builders within others.

Custom CSS– WordPress professional developers can get advanced tools and freedom of creativity with our plugin. They can use their custom styling within Testimonial or Reviews WordPress plugin with visual composer. Advanced developers can add their custom css into the plugin very easily. There’s a section we’ve left for this task to complete.

=Testimonials Key Features=

Testimonial or Reviews with Visual Composer Extension aims to make your website more attractive and good-looking. The Testimonials Plugin has many functions. So you can create Testimonial with review not only with some plain text or image, but also Customize with CSS form like font-size, color, background color, border-radius, box-shadow, padding, margin and more. Just change the value and Make your Website with Custom Testimonial. Let’s see, which features the plugin offers-

  • Awesome Interface– Testimonial or Reviews designed with a simple, easy to use interface – perfect for individual users, developers & clients!
  • API Access: Display testimonials on multiple WordPress websites from a single source.
  • One-Click Presets– To provide the easiest way to customize the display of your testimonial without editing any code. You can use the default Responsive styles or one of the included one-click presets as a starting point for customization.
  • Collect Testimonials: Front-End Testimonial Form Allows Customers to Submit Testimonials on your Website!
  • Awesome Admin Panel– the Admin panel of the plugin is way more better from the others similar plugin. Users will find more comfort and interest while working with the plugin.
  • Social Media Reviews: Use their API to bring in reviews and display them on your website using any of the layouts
  • Instant Customizing Option- With the instant customizing facility users can edit/delete/update the Content at any time they want.
  • Multiple Testimonial Forms: You can use multiple forms to send to specific Testimonial Categories!
  • Review Markup: Testimonials are essentially five-star reviews. Adding review, markup will improve search results and encourage search engines to display rich snippets.
  • Demo- We decorated the demo page with the template of testimonials. You can select a template from template Select page instantly and very faster before start to adding the information. We developed Awesome, modern and unique Testimonial templates on our demo page.
  • Testimonial Carousel: The testimonial carousel widget shows 2 or more testimonials on each slide. Your visitors can click Previous and next buttons to scroll through the list of testimonials.
  • Random effects – including ‘one’ effects and ‘out-in’ effects.
  • Font Options: choose from a huge selection of fonts (including Google web fonts), colors, and sizes!
  • Multiple Forms: You can create unlimited forms, each with their own custom fields, to tailor testimonials for different products, services and markets.
  • Built in Widget and Shortcode
  • Easy to customize to fit any design and color scheme.
  • Add and remove testimonial item from backend Quickly.
  • Super smooth hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions with jQuery fallback.
  • Touch gestures – switch between slides easy and flexibility with support swipe gestures, especially with Testimonial or Reviews have many slides or on the mobile devices. No need to worry, no need to trouble to switch dropdown menu on mobile devices. Tested on iOS, Android, Window Phone device.
  • Flat design – Flat, clean and minimalist design throughout Testimonial or Reviews with Visual Composer Extension, respond most of the modern template. Same time easily creates a new style in css file.
  • Free support & update – Testimonial or Reviews always developing new features, regular updates as well as improve existing features. You’ll get free support from our expert developers always. Plugin author himself often gives the answer to support forum questions.
  • Shortcodes – If you need to display any short-codes in product, you can use this type.
  • WordPress Multi Site compatible
  • Fast – only the minimum JavaScript/CSS is included on your page
  • Lifetime Update and support
  • The Plugin is provided with the support, upon request within 24 hours
  • Fully Optimized Template
  • Provides attractive and stunning interface
  • Work with best Setting Panel
  • Properties: Want to rebrand “testimonials” as “reviews”, “customer stories” or something else? Control every aspect front and back.

=Specially developed testimonial plugin=

Testimonial or Reviews are built and developed by a very professional and expert team of developers with years of experience. They have been building custom WordPress websites for many years. The Oxilab IT team has used that experience to develop a product that is very easy to use for beginners yet is highly customizable for professionals. Beginners who are slightly new at WordPress development will be up and running in minutes with our applications. On the other side developers will find the highly customizing plugin with multiple filters, templates, and display methods available. Testimonial or Reviews offers a bunch of templates to try in your preferred theme. If you need help matching your theme or got some weird spacing or floating on the page then we’re here to help. For any problem you’re most welcome to contact us.

With Testimonial or Reviews You’ll be able to add an image to your Testimonials, which can greatly increase the impact of your Testimonials. We’ll then display the image next to your testimonial. When it’ll be displayed, giving your customer a face to go with the kind words. Showing an Image next to a Testimonial is a great tool for social proofing and increase the reputation of your product. Testimonial or Reviews are effectively in use with multiple third party themes, plugins, and services. Our team’s continuously striving to ensure the plugin quality. We tried our best to make our plugin compatible with popular themes and plugins, such as Avada, Genesis, Visual Composer, and WooCommerce, to guarantee the best experience for our users. The page builder like Visual Composer is very much responsive with our plugin. One can use that page builder extension very easily with Testimonial or Reviews. We provide a Custom CSS box to help override any interfering CSS and a Compatibility Options panel to help deal with the most commonly encountered issues. We take compatibility section very seriously and our support team is quick to respond, should the need arise.

Testimonial or Reviews are the easiest way to start adding your customer testimonials, right here right now! To increase the reputation of your service by adding testimonials at an innovative and attractive way use Testimonial or Reviews. Click the Download button now to get started free trial version. Testimonial or Reviews will inherit the styling from your Theme – just install and get to work adding your testimonials! You can also upgrade the plugin by one click via product licensing. Just grab us once!


  • Testimonial or Reviews Template Demo
  • Visual Composer Add element.
  • Admin panel With Live Preview.
  • Popup Data Input form.


We’ve made it very simple and very easy to use. The installation process of this plugin is very easy. Those who are not even a regular user or even haven’t any prior experience can easily install our product on their WP dashboard. Nevertheless, for your convenience, we left an installation instruction over here:

=Option 1=
+ Download the plugin testimonial-or-reviews.zip from WordPress Plugin Directory.
+ Unzip the zip file and extract the plugin folder named testimonial-or-reviews.zip
+ Left that plugin folder into your wp-content/plugins folder.
+ Go and refresh your WordPress administration panels and from the menu bar click on Plugins.
+ Now you may see your plug-in listed under inactive plug-in tab.
+ Click active to turn your wordpress plugin on.

=Option 2=
+ Like the first option you have to download the zip file from download location.
+ Unzip the zip file and extract the Testimonial or Reviews plugin folder.
+ Double click on the installable folder in order to get testimonial-or-reviews.zip.
+ Go to wordpress admin panel and press Add New from the Menu bar under plugins tab.
+ Select upload link and drug the available Testimonial or Reviews Plugin file and click install now.
+ After successfully installed finally click on ‘activate’ to turn on.

Let us know if you need any help, just open a thread into Support Forum. Don’t be hesitated to inform us about any Bugs or Conflict.

=Product Activation License=

On the Testimonial or Reviews submenu, you’ll find a new option entitled “Product License”. Here you can Upgrade your free version plugin to Pro version. By submitting and activating the license key you’ll able to upgrade your plugin very easily from this option. Let’s see how to upgrade the plugin from Product License submenu.

Go to Product License submenu>> Enter the Product Key>> Click Save Changes button>> Now click on Activate license. That’s all! Now within few minutes you will get update notification to update your plugins. After Update you are able to access Pro features.


WordPress Testimonial or Reviews Plugin

Installation Instructions

We’ve made it very simple and very easy to use. The installation process of this plugin is very easy. Those who are not even a regular user or even haven’t any prior experience can easily install our product on their WP dashboard. Nevertheless, for your convenience, we left an installation instruction over here:

=Option 1=
+ Download the plugin testimonial-or-reviews.zip from WordPress Plugin Directory.
+ Unzip the zip file and extract the plugin folder named testimonial-or-reviews.zip
+ Left that plugin folder into your wp-content/plugins folder.
+ Go and refresh your WordPress administration panels and from the menu bar click on Plugins.
+ Now you may see your plug-in listed under inactive plug-in tab.
+ Click active to turn your wordpress plugin on.

=Option 2=
+ Like the first option you have to download the zip file from download location.
+ Unzip the zip file and extract the Testimonial or Reviews plugin folder.
+ Double click on the installable folder in order to get testimonial-or-reviews.zip.
+ Go to wordpress admin panel and press Add New from the Menu bar under plugins tab.
+ Select upload link and drug the available Testimonial or Reviews Plugin file and click install now.
+ After successfully installed finally click on ‘activate’ to turn on.

Let us know if you need any help, just open a thread into Support Forum. Don’t be hesitated to inform us about any Bugs or Conflict.

=Product Activation License=

On the Testimonial or Reviews submenu, you’ll find a new option entitled “Product License”. Here you can Upgrade your free version plugin to Pro version. By submitting and activating the license key you’ll able to upgrade your plugin very easily from this option. Let’s see how to upgrade the plugin from Product License submenu.

Go to Product License submenu>> Enter the Product Key>> Click Save Changes button>> Now click on Activate license. That’s all! Now within few minutes you will get update notification to update your plugins. After Update you are able to access Pro features.

Whether, is the Testimonial or Reviews support basic HTML Elements?

Yes. Basic Html has a support possibility.Such as you can add , .

Is the Testimonial or Reviews Responsive?

Yes, reacts and displays resizing images, videos, titles and descriptions for mobile devices and tablets.

How to enable the Testimonial or Reviews to in a post or page?

[orphita_testimonial_or_reviews id=”1″] as demo for post. You can also add into page as shortcode for page.

Is Testimonial or Reviews Support Page Builder

Yes, On Page Builder you Use shortcode for page builder. We also add extension for Visual Composer and SiteOrgin.

Do i Make Clone of any Style

Its too easy Chose your style from Layout List and click at Clone.


2018 年 9 月 29 日
This plugin is very good and fits well on any given space. I am enjoying using it.


「Testimonial or Reviews」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




  • Initial Release
  • responsive layout