该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Think Up! Testimonials


Think Up Testimonials rotator uses WP’s native text widgets and a plugin created sidebar. Put your testimonials into individual
text widgets with the following markup.

<h3>Your nice quote from someone saying how great your or business are.</h3><h2>~ Andy Johnson</h2>

Place the text widget into the sidebar called ‘Think Up Testimonials’. To output the testimonial rotator on the front end, insert
the function `thinkup_testimonials()“ into your theme template files where you want the rotator to appear. You can also control the
time for each slide and if you want the rotator to autoplay or not through the callback function.

To create a slider within your template that rotates every 9 secs use the code thinkup_testimonials(9000);

To stop the default auto-rotate of the plugin, add the false parameter to the callback function like this thinkup_testimonials(9000, false);


  • A standard implementation of the Think Up Testimonials plugin with 3 testimonials. Font styles are created by the theme.
  • The back end look at the text widgets, markup used and the Testimonials sidebar.


  1. Upload the thinkup-testimonials folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. 通过WordPress的的“Plugins”菜单激活插件
  3. Go to the widgets page and place a normal text widget in the ‘Think Up Testimonials’ sidebar and add a testimonial using this mark up <h3>Testimonial text here</h3><h2>~ Author</h2>
  4. Repeat step 3 as needed.
  5. Place thinkup_testimonials(); in your templates to output the rotator
  6. If you want to control the timing of the rotator, include the time (in milliseconds) within the callback function. ie: thinkup_testimonials(9000); creates a slider with a 9 sec delay.
  7. If you want to stop the default auto-rotate feature, just add a second parameter ‘false’ to the callback function like so thinkup_testimonials(9000, false);


How can you change the size of the testimonial or author text?

Simply use your style.css of your theme to overwrite the plugin styles. Use the CSS selector #thinkup-testimonials h3 {…}
for the testimonial text and #thinkup-testimonials h2 {…} for the author text.

How can you change the delay between testimonials?

You are able to set the delay time between testimonials using the callback function. Place the delay time (in milliseconds) with the brackets of the
the callback function. ie: thinkup_testimonials(9000); would set the time delay to 9 seconds between testimonials.




「Think Up! Testimonials」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




  • Added ability to cancel auto-rotate by adding ‘false’ to the callback function.


  • Allows user to specify delay between slides with callback function.


  • Fixes to specificity of TUT-Flexslider CSS so plugin does not conflict with other independent flexslider instances


  • Added rotator time delay setting thinkup-testimonials() callback function


  • First version released to the wild