Tokenpay Payment Gateway allows you to accept payments via cryptocurrency using the Tokenpay payment processing service. When a user makes a payment, a link is generated to facilitate the transaction through Tokenpay’s servers.
Your payments are settled to stablecoins to reduce any exchange-risk and paid out by financially licensed TokenPay Partners.
Please open a business account to obtain an access key, first. You will need this access key to run this plugin.
This plugin relies on external services provided by Tokenpay for payment processing. Specifically, data is sent to the following Tokenpay endpoints:
– https://processor.usetokenpay.com/api/
– used to create payment links and process payments.
– https://dashboard.usetokenpay.com/settings
– used to configure payment settings in admin panel.
For more information on the terms of use and privacy policies of Tokenpay services, please refer to:
– Terms and Conditions
– Privacy Policy
v 1.0.0 – Release
v 1.0.1 – Minor bugfixes on checkout and shipping settings
v 1.0.2 – Minor compliance and documentation changes