Video Gallery


This is a beautiful responsive video gallery plugin for WordPress blogs and sites. Admin can manage any number of videos, images into a gallery.
Admin can add, edit and delete videos, images from video gallery. Before adding a video gallery to WordPress blog admin can preview a video gallery.
Admin can set height, the width of the video gallery. Your video gallery will be ready within few mins.Very easy and user-friendly video gallery.

Find WordPress Video Slider Pro Plugin (Unlimited Video Slider + Custom html5 video + Much more fatures) at WordPress Video Slider Pro

Live Demo WordPress Video Slider pro

As this is video gallery plugin This plugin have a option to choose video posters and titles from respectives sites like youtube, Metacafe and DailyMotion.When user choose to get poster and title from video sites it will be stored to website.

*metacafe posters{$vid}/400×225/3.jpg{$vid}/400×225/1.jpg{$vid}/180×135/3.jpg{$vid}/180×135/1.jpg

*Youtube Poster{$vid}/maxresdefault.jpg

*Dailymotion Poster{$vid}?fields=description,id,thumbnail_720_url,title

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  1. Add any number of media(image,video) to slider.

  2. video slider is responsive

  3. Edit media.

  4. Preview your video slider before use it.

  5. video slider installation into theme is simple just add shortcode to theme or pages/posts.

  6. changes to height,width of slider are easy.

  7. Changes to slider speed is easy.

  8. Give slider media order

  9. WordPress capebilities feature

=Pro Version Features=

  1. Unlimited Video Sliders(Multiple Video Sliders).

  2. Supports Youtube,Vimeo,Metacafe,Daily Motion and HTML5 custom video

  3. Use wordPress media uploader to upload image/videos.

  4. Set thumnial slider to left, right, top, bottom.

  5. Slider Easing Effects(select your desired slider easing effect ).

  6. Set caption top/bottom.

  7. Set media order.

  8. Responsive Admin Layout.

  9. WordPress capebilities feature

Get Support


This plugin is free for everyone! Since it’s released under the GPL, you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial blog. But you can make some donations if you realy find it useful.


  • slider Settings
  • Manage Media
  • slider on Fronted
  • responsive view on Fronted
  • Pro Version Manage Video Sliders
  • Pro Version Manage Media.
  • Pro Version Add Video
  • Pro Version Slider


This plugin is easy to install like other plug-ins of WordPress as you need to just follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. upload video-slider-with-thumbnails folder to wp-Content/plugins folder.

  2. Activate the plugin from Dashboard / Plugins window.

  3. Now Plugin is Activated, Go to the Usage section to see how to use wordpress Video Slider With Thumbnail.


1.Use of wordpress responsive video slider is easy after activating plugin go to Video Slider With Thumbnail.

2.You can manage media by Manage media menu.

3.You can set settings for this plugin using Slider Settings menu.

4.You can add this video slider to your wordpress page/post by adding this shortcode to [vgwt_print_responsive_video_slider_with_thumbnail]

OR you can add this to your theme by adding this code echo do_shortcode(‘[vgwt_print_responsive_video_slider_with_thumbnail]’); to your theme


1.How to use ?

For More info use readme installation and usage notes.


2019 年 1 月 24 日
I tested coupe plugins form my project and only this plugin work exactly what I need, very well build.
2017 年 10 月 29 日
I have used this plugin free for while and upgraded to pro. The plugin feature for custom html video working great.. Thanks for plugin.. keep it up….


「Video Gallery」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


帮助将「Video Gallery」翻译成简体中文。





  • Fixed plugin conflict
  • Tested with WordPress 6.4


  • Make plugin compatible with block editor
  • Tested with WordPress 6.3


  • Fixed vulnerability
  • Tested with WordPress 6.2


  • Tested with WordPress 5.9
  • Fixed metacafe not working


  • Tested with WordPress 5.5
  • Fixed lazy laoding


  • Removed jQuery.noConflic() as it cause $ problem


  • Improve slider loading


  • Fixed image can not fetched for dailymotion while there is querystring in url
  • Tested with WordPress 5.3


  • Improve code so that slider can also works even jQuery is in footer.
  • Tested with WordPress 5.2


  • api changed Fixed, that changes accordingly so it works in plugin.


  • Added wordpress capebilities feature. So that admin can set permissions
  • Tested upto wordpress 5.1
  • Fixed undefined variable problems.


  • Improve admin UI
  • Tested with WordPress 5.0


  • fixed metacafe thumbnail issue


  • Stable 1.0 first release