该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Alerts via MQQT for WooCommerce


MQTT Alerts for WooCommerce

Plugin to WooCommerce which sends messages to a shiftr.io MQTT instance on order state changes and for low stock/out of stock nofifications.

The following topics are published to MQTT:
* {topic_prefix}/orders/pending
* {topic_prefix}/orders/on-hold
* {topic_prefix}/orders/processing
* {topic_prefix}/orders/completed
* {topic_prefix}/orders/cancelled
* {topic_prefix}/orders/refunded
* {topic_prefix}/orders/failed
* {topic_prefix}/stock/low
* {topic_prefix}/stock/out
* {topic_prefix}/stats/orders
* {topic_prefix}/stats/stock [COMING SOON]

A message is published to a topic when an order or product transitions to that state. The payload of the message is either the order id or the product_id.

The data transmitted is kept to the bear minimum to limit the data exposure over MQTT. Further information may be retrieved by the end point using the standard WooCommerce API by querying the order or product by id.

The stats topics are published to each time any other message is sent. They contain a JSON payload which for orders is an array of order states with the corresponding totals. Further stats topics are in the to-do list.

MQTT may be used to feed many different devices and services. For example the feed could be consumed by NodeRed, Home Assistant or, of course, an Arduino. Sample Arduino sketches may be found at https://github.com/yknivag/WooNofity-Arduino – more sketches will be added in due course.


  1. Upload plugin wc-mqtt-alerts folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin using the ‘Plugins’ menu in your WordPress admin panel.
  3. You can adjust the necessary settings using your WordPress admin panel in “MQTTWoo”.
  4. Create a page or a post, customize button settings and insert generated shortcode into the text.


Why use MQTT instead of the API

Calls to the API put a load on the server and to make a “real-time” update the API would have to be called at least every 5 minuntes and that would put a substantial load on the server.
The idea behind this plugin is to use MQTT to push an event notification so that the API need only be called when a change is detected.

Why shiftr.io

It’s free and it works well. In essence the plugin posts to a URL using basic authentication and so could be used with any other MQTT broker with an HTTP interface that follows the same pattern. Or your own server.

What is the topic prefix

By default the topic prefix is empty, but it may be set to allow the topics to fit in with an existing MQTT infrastructure.




「Alerts via MQQT for WooCommerce」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「Alerts via MQQT for WooCommerce」插件已被翻译至 1 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。

帮助将「Alerts via MQQT for WooCommerce」翻译成简体中文。




0.1.0 – 20th June 2020

  • Initial Release.

0.2.0 – 21st June 2020

  • Corrected typo in readme.
  • Added stats/orders topic.

0.2.1 – 23rd June 2020

  • Changes required following WordPress plugin library submission.

0.2.2 – 26th June 2020

  • Bug Fix – Order Number was not being sent with order alerts.
  • Updated GitHub Link.
  • Added link to Proof Of Concept Ardnuino sketches.

To Do

  • Add stats/stocks topic to report counts of out-of-stock and low-stock items.