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Weaver Options Merge


Have you ever wanted to copy part of a Weaver design to another design? Now you can.
Load two option sets and pick and choose which values will be combined into the output
settings file.

This plugin provides options sets to merge with your options, including color sets and
styling sets (shadows, gradients, text effects). The color set colors work together,
meaning that some are transparent to let others show through. If merging with your own
design, be aware of the interplay with background images. The styling sets use the same
style everywhere it makes sense, so that you can merge the CSS in the options you choose.


  • The plugin admin page, showing the Weaver II choices.
  • The merge page, with options selected from both files.


It is easiest to use the Plugin Add Plugin admin page, but you can do it manually, too:

  1. Download the plugin archive and expand it
  2. Upload the plugin folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

Go to the Tools menu to find the plugin


What is that little i in a circle in the CSS boxes?

Hover your mouse over the i and you will see a sample of the first part of the CSS in the box.

Where is the Merge button?

The Merge button is only shown when two valid option sets are shown.

What are those buttons on the Merge page for?

Clicking the buttons at the top of the table selects those options on that side.

I added files to my subtheme folder. Why don’t they show in the list?

The file lists are optimized by using an expiring value in the database. If you added
more files since the list was stored, deactivate the plugin and reactivate so the new
files will be shown.




「Weaver Options Merge」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「Weaver Options Merge」插件已被翻译至 1 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。

帮助将「Weaver Options Merge」翻译成简体中文。





Release Date: Jan 29, 2020
* tweak for PHP notice in some cases
* tested with WP 5.3.2


Release Date: Aug 9, 2016
* updates for language packs


Release Date: Jan 7, 2015
* first distribution for testing