该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Thumbshots plugin


This plugin allows any user to add previews of websites right in the content of their posts using a simple [thumb]http://domain.com[/thumb] format. Users may also “optionally” turn on mouseover previews. No purchase or registration is required to use the plugin. Optional upgrade enables PRO features such as “Full-length Captures”, “Free Width Captures” and “Refresh on Demand”.

  1. Easily embed website previews in posts
  2. Flexible caching system allows you to store retrieved screenshots on your server
  3. [opt] Display custom images for queued or error thumbshots
  4. [opt] Display thumbshot URLs in a safe manner without linking them directly to the target website
  5. [opt] Display mouseover header preview over thumbshots
  6. [opt] Display mouseover pop-up preview over external links in your posts
  7. [opt] Utilize several Thumbshots.RU PRO features

Take a look at Thumbshots.RU for more information (http://www.thumbshots.ru/en/ “Website screenshots provider”).


  • The plugin interface
  • Post editor button and inserted shortcode
  • An example thumbshot with reload button, and an optional mouseover header preview


  1. Upload thumbshots_plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Edit plugin settings on Dashboard > Settings > Thumbshots Plugin page


Do I have to register on Thumbshots.RU to use this plugin?

No, registration is optional. Only register if you want to use PRO features or if you have a high volume of traffic on the website.




「Thumbshots plugin」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。




  • Clear thumbshot cache when API key changes
  • Fix: Internationalized Domain Names
  • Updated thumbshots class to v1.7.5


  • “noindex” and/or “nofollow” parameters can be added to individual thumbshots and override global settings


  • Options to add rel=”noindex” and/or rel=”nofollow” to image links
  • Updated thumbshots class to v1.7.5


  • Added a link to plugin settings page
  • Minor bugfixes and code clean-up


  • New: restyled plugin menu button
  • Fix: use HTTP/1.0 requests to prevent chunking
  • Fix: errors in response headers parsing algorithm


  • Released under GPL version 3 or any later version


  • First public release