该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Whook content slider


Wordress website or developer need to showcase work or case study on home page of website. Bloggers need to showcase their featured blogs on the home page, or Internal pages of website.

Whook content slider comes up with feature to show case your premium posts or pages or categories on the showcase. You can show the excerpt or featured image in the widget. Also featured image will be focused as parallax effect which gives your website a different style from a usual kind of website.

It’s a combination of parallax and carousal combination.

Shortcode to use

  1. To load particular pages in the carousal. [dt_slider title="Related project" page_id="847,892" order_by="ID" order="asc"]
  2. To load posts from a particular category [dt_slider title="Related project" category_id="10" order_by="ID" order="asc"]
  3. To load posts, belong to different category or independent posts. [dt_slider title="Related project" post_id="45,52" order_by="ID" order="asc"]

Parameters to be used in shortcode

  • Title: Title of the plugin or widget needs to be get displayed.
  • Page_id: If you want to load page ids.
  • Category_id: If you want to load posts from particular category.
  • Post_id: If you want to load particular posts on the layout.
  • Order_by: On which order you want to fetch details. ["ID","post_date","post_title"]
  • Order: In which order you want to load posts/pages. ["asc","desc"]


  • Whook content slider Front-end view


  • Download plugin from WordPress Plugin directory.
  • Upload it to the plugins folder, unzip it there.
  • Activate the plugin from admin plugins dashboard section.


Installation Instructions
  • Download plugin from WordPress Plugin directory.
  • Upload it to the plugins folder, unzip it there.
  • Activate the plugin from admin plugins dashboard section.




「Whook content slider」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。
