该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

WP Down Slack Alert


This plugin is meant to send automatic notifications on the channel of your choice in your Slack Team.

Wether you manage hundred of websites or only a single one, it’s always good to know when they are down, so you can step in as quick as possible.

WP Down Slack Alert provides a dedicated settings screen where you are able to set up your Slack channel configuration and to create a customized bot (name, avatar…) for your notifications. There is a very helpful configuration wizard for your Slack API token. It will only takes few minutes to complete the configuration process.

You can also programmatically define the plugin’s settings with dedicated PHP constants (see FAQ section below).

This plugin is based on WordPress Core Recovery Mode. The Slack alert is triggered when your websites goes into Recovery Mode and send you a Slack Notification with details about the issue.


  • Settings screen.
  • Slack API Token tutorial in the settings screen.
  • Slack notification example.


  1. Install the plugin and activate.
  2. Go to Tools > WP Down Slack Alert settings.
  3. See our FAQ below or follow the instruction in the settings page to configure your Slack token.


How to set up the connexion to my Slack Team?

Go to Tools > WP Down Slack Alert and follow the tutorial to get your Slack API token and customize your Slack notification bot:

To set up your Slack app, you’ll need to get a Slack Bot token:

  1. Go to this page: https://api.slack.com/apps?new_app=1 and provide a name for your App, choose a Slack workspace and click on “Create App” button.
  2. In the “Features and functionality” section, click on the “Bots” panel.
  3. That will lead you to the “Bot user” screen. Click on “Add a Bot User” button.
  4. Leave the default names (you will be able to override that in the plugin’s settings), and click “Add bot user” button.
  5. Click on the “Install App” menu item in the navigation sidebar, then click on the “Install App to Workspace” button.
  6. Allow this Slack App to access your Slack team: click on the “Allow” button.
  7. Copy/paste the Bot User OAuth Access Token in the plugin’s settings field.

How to programmatically define the plugin settings using PHP constants?

To programmatically define your settings, you can optionally use the following PHP constants, in a customized mu-plugin:

// Disable the admin settings screen (false to disable)
define( 'WPDSA_SETTINGS', false );

// Define the Slack API Token (string)
define( 'WPDSA_NOTIFICATION_TOKEN', 'qcsqkjcssjcksqh' );

// Define the notification channel (string - slugified)
define( 'WPDSA_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL', 'my_slack_channel' );

// Disable the notification email (true to disable)

// Define the Slack notification recurrence (string - accepted values: '0,5', '1', '2', '6', '24', 'anytime')

// Define the notification bot name (string - slugified)
define( 'WPDSA_NOTIFICATION_BOTNAME', 'My_bot_name' );

// Define the notification message title text (string)
define( 'WPDSA_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_TITLE', 'My message title' );

// Define the notification message footer text (string)
define( 'WPDSA_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_FOOTER', 'My message footer text' );

// Define the notification message image (string - absolute link to an online image)
define( 'WPDSA_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_IMAGE', 'http://assets.whodunit.fr/brand/logo_whodunit_petit.png' );

// Disable the "Green" notification message (true to disable)

Follow this link to download a complete example of mu-plugin file

You can download it, change the constants values if needed and upload it to /wp-content/mu-plugins folder. You can also define the PHP constants in your wp-config.php file.


2020 年 1 月 30 日
Extension très utile quand on gère plusieurs sites pour être alerté des problèmes.


「WP Down Slack Alert」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「WP Down Slack Alert」插件已被翻译至 2 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。

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  • Technical fixes.


  • New feature: send a Green notification when a broken website is back in business.
  • Enhancement: Add disable green notification setting.
  • Enhancement: Add disable green notification constant.


  • Fix: false positive with Slack API connexion check.


  • Fix: possible PHP fatal error on notification frequency.
  • Fix: Remove a test echo function in plugin’s main file.


  • Fix: styles and scripts enqueues.
  • Fix: possible PHP fatal error for old PHP versions.
  • Enhancement: add a set of PHP constants to programmatically define the plugin settings.


  • Better internationalization and tutorial integration.


  • Plugin initial commit. Works fine 🙂